Julien 🌵
Character questions! For any of the nerds.
Julien 🌵
Feel free to ask about the rest of the bunch, if you like.
witch people
9, 34, and 57 for Becca; 16, 28, and 49 for Claire; aaaaand 60 for anyone/as many ones as you'd like to share?
Julien 🌵
9. She would. Purely so she could stay alive and learn as much as she can for as long as she can. She's not really that afraid of death - at her worst she doesn't value her life very much. But the prospect of existing far into the future just to see what happens would be far too appealing to turn down.
Julien 🌵
34. Becca's pretty hard on herself when she doesn't need to be, and she also cares a little too much about what other people think even though she tries to claim she doesn't. She's too worried sometimes about people thinking she's weird, even when she mostly embraces her own weirdness. It's paradoxical.
Julien 🌵
57. Never do again is easy, she won't go back to her family. As far as for what she'd never do, that's harder. She's so malleable and changeable, easily influenced, that she could be convinced, just some things would take a lot longer. But the most difficult thing to get her to bend on would be having a child - convincing her to marry would be easier.
Julien 🌵
16. For me as I write her I tend to make a few key canon points extra vivid in her memory, I'm not sure I could pinpoint one. Maybe Homecoming? It's the first big event that connects her to others with abilities. It's where she meets Peter, her favorite person.
Julien 🌵
28. So Heroes canon has made attempts at doing its own alternate universes within canon, and the villainous Claire there is... I see her as angry and scared and lashing out, more than actually villainous. It would take a lot of bad shit happening to her to turn her, and possibly someone being a bad influence on her. I think her behavior in that situation--
Julien 🌵
--would be more villainous in that she doesn't care about the collateral damage, and she'd be more willing to let innocents be harmed for her to reach her goals. I don't think she'd target innocents, though. But her villain story would be largely one of vengeance gone way, way out of control. She's very revenge focused at her worst.
Julien 🌵
49. I think she'd get little infatuations/crushes very quickly, but it would take some time for deeper affection to grow. She doesn't date much in canon, and when she does, she doesn't really form connections that are all that deep. A lot of that has to do with outside factors, but I also think she struggles to let herself be too close to anyone because of--
Julien 🌵
--her trauma and because bad things tend to happen in her life whenever she gets too settled. My headcanon for her post-canon (ignoring Heroes Reborn), is by default that she becomes something of a drifter and goes off on her own to drive around the country. Through canon she gets used to having to run and I just ran with that idea.
witch people
At both of them, they both need hugs.
Julien 🌵
It's not explored enough in canon, in my opinion, but I think Claire would be very self-conscious about her immortality and how it relates to a long-term relationship and potential marriage. She'd worry about not being able to grow old with someone and age normally. It just makes sense to me that she'd think about these things.
Julien 🌵
witch people : of all the characters i love rambling about... those two... lol
witch people
They are Goods, I enjoy the rambling. ^^
Julien 🌵
60. Topics that will get characters to rant, for as many characters as I can think of them for, let's go.
Becca: any of her weird interests, especially if she has the opportunity to correct or clarify information.
Claire: (headcanon) she loves to infodump about evolved humans. and she'd probably rant about Sylar at the drop of a hat.
Julien 🌵
Sam: She will rant about the disparagement of professional wrestling and probably try to fight anyone who says it's fake.
Shan: They love to talk about music, predictably! He's not very ranty, generally, but he'd probably rant a bit about traditional gender roles and pepole who talk shit about him being GNC.
Julien 🌵
Noah: There's a small canon tidbit that he's a Shakespeare guy and wanted to be an English teacher so I feel like he'd probably enjoy sitting down to talk about the classics. He's too calm and collected to rant, I think.
Julien 🌵
Jay: He's a talker! He loves to have a chat about any and everything. Sports, most likely? But he's also a big foodie and a casual gamer. He really has to be pushed to anger and ranting. People being like, casually hateful would set him off? Things people feel comfortable saying to him because he's a big white guy, he'll make them uncomfortable fast.