
Prof. Meowmers
it's fine, we're fine

TheApostate ™
....as an american trying to get into giving plasma, grifols sucks. On the other hand, giving plasma is a great way to make extra money, lol. But not this way

As an American trying to get through some more education...yep. Grifols does suck. I’ve done better with Biolife, but I can’t tell how they compare to anything except grifols, since those are the two options in my area

TheApostate ™
: I have an appointment to try and get in at biolife tomorrow, lol. My local grifols was originally called Freedom plasma, and it was great. I donated there a year or two ago, until I was dumb and let my levels get too low. So went back there again a week ago cause money, only to find it now run by grifols. And my god, what a change.

Rooting for you tomorrow!

TheApostate ™
The doctor only shows up once a week, and not even the places knows when basically until the doctor shows up. Not to mention, I tried calling them tuesday to find out if the doctor had been in/was there....and had to call FOUR TIMES.

TheApostate ™
And I let it ring all the way until it kicked me to voicemail. Which was...not sure how many rings, but pretty sure it was at least 10 rings each time

Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
You know... in Canada you don't get money for giving blood. But you also don't PAY money for GETTING blood so.

We don’t get paid for giving blood (...per se, blood drives often offer incentives like $15 gift cards, or a t-shirt, or something) but plasma is a lengthy process that they need to incentivize donors to do twice a week, so some money goes into it

TheApostate ™
Yeah, giving blood and giving plasma are two different things. Although technically plasma is blood too, lol. Or, well. Part of it