So I knew we had some issues with rats again in the garage but they've gotten into my room so actually I will set this house on fire.

God wants me to suffer.

Its 5 AM and I am suffering and deep cleaning my entire room so I can at least better track where this little fucker is but I'll have to message my sister or her husband for the exterminator's number we had handle this last time. I refuse to suffer because mom doesn't want to pay to deal with it.

thunder twink
Ugh, that SUCKS

meow meow town
oh hell...

Gonna have to start blocking the gap under my door but need to make sure the rat I made eye contact with under my table is not in my room anymore

ITS BAD because I do keep dry/unperishable food in my room on one of my shelfs.

It's a thing formed by my siblings and I cuz when my mom was more insane, if we bought any form of food and brought it home/into the kitchen she'd yell at us (something about being the provider of the house so don't buy food)

SO LIKE I CANT HAVE THIS FUCKER HERE. Also I just don't want them chewing on my paper goods for obvious reason
