pixie lovemail
[dqxi] the english voice direction for vince vanquish being LITERALLY just the hulksterrrr is so funny
pixie lovemail
i mean, that is obviously who he's supposed to be, but still
Its VERY funny
pixie lovemail
whoof, whambelina and sinderalla are NOT messing around
pixie lovemail
pixie lovemail
i'm going to respec into sword and board to see if that helps
pixie lovemail
oh falcon slash is REALLY good
falcon slash is literally your bread and butter sword move as soon as you get it
and it's stronger here than it ever has been before and it is like, one of the staple Dragon Quest Moves
(it's stronger here because in most games oomph doesn't affect second hits from dual wield/falcon slash/multithrust/etc.)
(it does in DQXI.)
(oomph + falcon slash is stupidly good.)
pixie lovemail
I LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH SYLVANDO https://images.plurk.com/1nGoRQHy6zl8wGIAC3K5Ol.png
pixie lovemail
whoever decided to make vince literally just hulk hogan knew EXACTLY what they were doing given the illegal magic steroid plot, huh
ohhh yeah.
also goddamn the xp throttle is really in effect, goddamn
I am nowhere CLOSE to getting falcon slash despite being in octagonia
pixie lovemail
i'm also have xp throttle on, i just like. bumrushed falcon slash instead of getting most of the basic sword skills
pixie lovemail
i gotta admit, rab's like. AGGRESSIVELY scottish accent does not match the rest of his character design?
pixie lovemail
but it still works
pixie lovemail
連続犬 : i'm curious, how does zap scale with the luminary's magic stat? his offensive magic otherwise is pretty underwhelming, so i'm wondering if it's worth investing in at all
i think it DOES but not as hard as the other spells do
my investigation into this for my own knowledge has been Inconclusive
Okay, yes, Zap DOES scale with Magical Might, it just has a pretty high floor compared to Sizz and other spells mages get
Sizz' floor is like, 10 damage, Zap's is like 30-something
So yes, it does scale with Magical Might, but because the Luminary is not gonna have near as good M.Might growths as, say, Veronica, it has higher base damage to make it worth casting
sylvando is so so so good.
dragon time
Where's Sylvando? I see only that mysterious dashing rogue Sterling Sylva-