ronny1020 今はnow
[跟風] 讓ChatGPT畫自己的生活
ronny1020 今はnow
prompt: 基於你對我的了解,畫出你認為我現在的生活是什麼樣子的。
ronny1020 今はnow
Here’s an illustration inspired by your lifestyle! It reflects your blend of focus on frontend development, relaxation with manga, and fitness, all set in a warm and balanced atmosphere. I hope it captures the essence of your current journey!
ronny1020 今はnow
prompt: 能不能用寫實的風格呈現
ronny1020 今はnow Here is a realistic illustration capturing the essence of your lifestyle. It brings out the balance of productivity, creativity, and relaxation in a home office that reflects your interests and passions. Hope this version resonates with you!
ronny1020 今はnow
prompt: 再更寫實一點
ronny1020 今はnow
Here is a hyper-realistic portrayal capturing even more detail in your workspace and lifestyle. This version enhances the warmth and realism of the scene, reflecting your balanced approach to productivity and relaxation. Let me know if it aligns with your vision!
ronny1020 今はnow
感覺健康又陽光,很 chill 地在上班 coding
ronny1020 今はnow
ronny1020 今はnow
是說現在 AI 繪圖文字都這麼正確了嗎?
ronny1020 今はnow
然後每張都一定要有富士山 w
ronny1020 今はnow
ronny1020 今はnow
Anzu-明天也將是黑歷史 : 沒呀,有免費額度呀