Unnämed在Weverse Magazine的自我介紹全文翻譯下收,意譯為主,應該有誤 Unnamed
https://images.plurk.com/4kdwXaT36wM2bE2IebXPSy.png 「我還在這裡,我還活著。」
I am a musician with no name.
I don't reveal my face, or much other information like my birthday or gender.
So that is me.
Actually, before I started this activity, I was doing something similar under a different name, but I needed to walk away from that without explaining anything to my old fan base, and that actually made my fans rush to find me.
They discovered my personal account and they were still saying that they wanted me to come back, but I felt like I didn't deserve their support at all.
So what I did was, I removed everything from my personal account to show that I'm Unnämed now.
I am absolutely no one.
I am not the person that you're trying to find.

Start 起點
It might be a little bit of a long story, but before I became who I am now, I was a rock band vocalist under an indie label.
But later, my producer felt like I had no vocal talent and my vocals had no spark at all.
I had four band members I needed to work with, but I wasn't a strong enough vocalist for them, so he replaced me with a better vocalist and then the band made their big debut.
That made me really depressed, and my depression was so heavy that I couldn't sing on stage anymore.
I really hated my voice because I don't have any talent.
I felt like the people in the audience were judging me, judging my effort, judging my talent.
I felt like I didn't deserve the stage, like I wasn't a good at singing.
I had a lot of bad thoughts like that at the time.
I often lost my voice onstage, and I threw up almost every time after performing.
That made me feel like I seriously had no future as a musician at all.
So after that, I gave myself time to not do any kind of music work at all.
What I did instead was, I started a TikTok account and started doing silly content.
Surprisingly, within 10 months, I got 1.8 million followers.
I was really surprised and pretty happy to get the attention, but it struck me that people weren't following me for music.
They just loved how I looked, but I still couldn't really give up on music then.
So at that time, while I was uploading TikTok videos, I also uploaded some cover songs on YouTube, but my fans didn't really appreciate that.
My fans wanted me to do more "kawaii waifu" or cute girl TikTok videos, but that didn't make me happy at all.
I felt like I didn't know how to entertain them at all and started not enjoying making TikTok content anymore.
My true passion was music.
So I decided to switch to not revealing my face at all.
Also, whenever I'm singing on my live streams, I'm singing at my sound booth in my home, in my room.
So I don't have to worry about any judging eyes, or anyone paying attention.
It makes me feel that I'm able to fight back against my depression.
That's why I became a musician with a virtual body.
Trails of Flame concert meant so much to me, my band members, and also to my fan base.
Trails of Flame的演唱會對我、我的樂團團員還有粉絲群來說都意義重大。
It was in Hong Kong, but so many people from other countries came as well.
As I remember, there were at least three Koreasns! My fans flew all the way to Hong Kong! (laughs)
It still feels like a dream, because there were a lot of struggles.
I lost my voice, I was really worried if I'd be able to sing.
Even my guitarist worried about me a lot, asking things like, "Are you sure that you can hold back your panic attack? Are you sure that you can hold up mentally?"
There were a lot of struggles, actually, but the concert organizer and all the creators who worked with me were so nice and they had already given me so much power.
And even with Doki, I was originally planning to ask her to sing with me in Live 2D, but she came up with the idea for 3D.
She suggested it herself and said, "I can show up in 3D."
We did the POKÉDANCE. (laughs)
The lyrics sound like Japanese, but it's actually English, so I knew that it was going to be easy for Doki to sing even though she doesn't know any Japanese at all, since she's a native English speaker.
I actually wrote "Summer Song", but it was rearranged.
Some arrangement was done by my producer at the time because he heard my demo and he said that it wasn't going to be popular.
"This one's not going to be a hit on the charts." So he raised the key twice.
Summer Song確實是我寫的,但它被重新編排過。
He did that because he didn't want me to growl.
He wanted me to sing like an angel because he liked my falsetto voice, but I prefer singing more like I'm screaming and growling, because that makes me feel more comfortable when I sing.
It makes me feel like I'm strong.
So I wanted to perform in that way.
If you watch the "Summer Song" music video, I think I'm still influenced by focusing more on falsetto, but recently I've been singing more in the style most comfortable to me.
如果你看了Summer Song的MV,我想在唱那首歌時我仍受到「注重假音」的影響,不過最近我更常使用令我感到舒適的唱腔。

Non-binary 非二元
I decided to reveal that I'm non-binary, because in the past I really, really struggled about gender.
I'm not going to go into too much detail, but I got a lot of hate, and that was fully understandable because I don't believe that everybody can understand my issues fully.
I couldn't be there, actually, but since my fan base wanted me to return, and my friend wanted me to chase the dream again, I decided to return.
So I felt like, if I spoke up and stood up for who I was, I trusted that it would motivate and cheer up some people who really needed that.
I just wanted to tell them that they weren't alone.
I also learned that my fans are really mature and very reliable.
They're ready to accept who I am, and that's the reason why I decided to be more vocal about the LGBTQIA+ community recently.
And I'm happy that my fans are proud of who I am.
It's the superego of me, but most of all in the lore, I include a lot of my actual experiences.
It's probably because I wanted someone to listen to me.
I'm not good at explaining things.
I'm not good at talking.
I'm not good at addressing my feelings at all, and that made people walk away from me.
And I also didn't grow up ina household where I was paid much attention.
So I needed someone to listen to me, but if I'd just directly told them, that would've been too much, since nobody wants to listen to all those difficult stories all the time.
But if I made it like a fantasy story, it would be consumed as content.
The reason why I think of Faust as an inspiration for lore is that it's the story of a single guy restarting his life and the devil making his wish come true.
My life has been in danger so many times, actually.
But I'm still here. I'm still alive.

Better_person 更好的人
I grew up in a really toxic family household.
My family was violent, and the people around me were pretty violent too.
Even though you don't want them to, those environments actually influence you somehow, and you become a really harsh person as well.
Then I noticed the many ways in which I'm not the same as other people.
I was so afraid people would discover that about me and walk away from me.
So the reason I keep saying that I want to be a better person is that, although I've made so many mistakes in the past, the people who are still patient enough to comunicate with me, who are still patient enough to listen to me, trust that I can be a better person.
I've made so many stupid mistakes that caused people to walk away from me.
I can't make those people come back, but at least for those who are still here, I want to be the best person possible.

Music 音樂
Music was actually a form of escaposm for me at the beginning.
I went to music whenever I wanted to escape from my life experiences, or wanted to forget about my reality or pain.
But now I think that music is a way for me to connect to my fan base, because that's how they've always found me.
When I first did the untitled stream, they found me by singing.
I didn't explain much and they learned that I'm not coming back anymore, but they still decided to follow me and support my new journey.
So for now, music is the best way for me to connect with my fan base.
And my fans are really warm, reliable, mautre, and super understanding.
They're really supportive and I really appreciated that.
Sometimes I'm afraid to speak or address my feelings, because I'm afraid that people are going to twist the meaning of my words.
A lot of people do that when I speak, but when I convey my feelings entirely through singing, that's the best way for me to express them.
Even if the meaning isn't transferred, the content will be there.
Yeah- I think music was just escapism at the beginning, but now it's my way of telling how I truly feel.
