'Every time I see Doug on TV portraying the persona of a perfect spouse and non-toxic man, I wonder if Najen is watching too and feeling as disgusted as I am,'
'Jane' "Emhoff slapped me so hard I spun around,' and that Emhoff told her he was accused by his mistress of causing her to miscarry their baby.
瞎挺 三票民進黨 相忍為黨 就變老二先生 🤡
'Every time I see Doug on TV portraying the persona of a perfect spouse and non-toxic man, I wonder if Najen is watching too and feeling as disgusted as I am,'
'Jane' "Emhoff slapped me so hard I spun around,' and that Emhoff told her he was accused by his mistress of causing her to miscarry their baby.
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- 逮捕和起訴舉報人
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