Mouth Powers
event end plotting!
Mouth Powers
Frankie is going to fully blow up steerage once things get crazy, to force some NS folks to focus on putting it out, but will be trying to stay low-key about it. will also be melting weapons on the sly
Mouth Powers
Jedao is going to be doing his best to mess with the engines in the Orlop in a way that is temporarily disabling without actually harming the ship long term, I'm down for NS people to find/catch/try to stop him
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Kahl is fulling going to start trying to tear the hull apart once the barge is in reach, some NS big god types should fight him about it?? before then he's not sure what are non-suicidal levels of hell to give. open to suggestions tbh
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Roger is going to be trying to use dinky low level warlock powers on any saboteur he can catch, if you want your character to have the indignity of fighting a 10 year old
Ian out burger
....Not Hanna sealing Roger in a corner for fucking time out.
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*Angleton will be doing his best to 1) protect the NS from hurting The Actual Ship The Weird Semi-Living Creature but also is not going to playercest and stop Jedao because 2) he would love to jump ship
Mouth Powers
Ian out burger he'd hate it so much!!!
Ian out burger
I am entirely up for that if you want to because I find it incredibly funny
John is going to talk to Uncle Angleton
because he doesn't want to fuck up The Ship
but uh, he's gotta get back to his ship
See this is why Madelyne is more focused on fucking people up than sabotage. The ship didn't ask for this u.u
oh god Scully has been building her hydroponic system in the Steerage deck
She might try to shoot Frankie about that
Mouth Powers
also Jedao is willing to decapitate NS people who are 1) actively threatening bargizens 2) invading the barge to do any more than pick up Some Food
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Kira🌵 Frankie's powers work at a Some but not Huge distance - in DnD approximation, probably line of sight, 30-60 feet, but she's also very good at being Sneaky, so like. melting a bunch of nails and then getting out of there before the liquid metal gets to the flour, kind of deal
Mouth Powers
but I'd actually love if Logical Rational Scully like, looked back over her memories and realized something MADE her Not Pay Attention To That Woman who was leaving Steerage around the right time
Mouth Powers
Frankie's mental manipulation is just a nudge, not like a magical geas, and it can be circumvented!
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(also I'm fine with Frankie getting injured but she'd go nuclear in a standoff pretty fast unless she had a reason not to)
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FʀɪᴇɴᴅIɴYᴇʟʟᴏᴡ Ungleton would like to swap sides if he can!!!!
...I wonder if John could offer him a place in Carcosa
Mouth Powers
he's gone native, he wants to hang out on An Earth. thus far the NS for him has been 'well it'll keep me alive until I can find a way off'
Fives, possibly in the form of a zamboni sized alien critter, will be checking on on Jedao when he can >.>
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check on me with the small one!!!!
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did dad teach you no stealth in between crazy sex!!!
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(things he might say out loud lmao)
is he not going to have any downtime in the next week? XD (Not that Fives will take a lot)
Mouth Powers
he will but during downtime he wants to stay hidden! (also he's just fussing)
... and come to think of it, he might go weasel to sneak into places, then human just long enough to do the bonzami charm to go nuts in sensitive areas, then back to human then weasel if he can hide to get out
aww, baby (me, not Fives XD)
how much is he still blackness, btw?
(and could a small weasel come visit him?)
I'm absolutely cool with Scully getting scragged by Frankie when she goes for a standoff! That could be a lot of fun :>
John will at least offer and he'll admit he doesn't think there's getting hm off the NS but he's going to try not to wreck too much shit.
Mouth Powers
I do think Frankie will be setting the fire more on the side of "stuff, treasure" than the hydroponics side, mostly because she thinks thats what the Heavy Hitters will care about putting out more, so perhaps some of the gardens can be saved? but definitely this is not great for them
that makes sense!
Mouth Powers
also, realistically
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snowbogan Zerxus and anyone else in the area has 8 days to talk Kahl out of just killing SWATHES of Narrennites
aka he will do his Very Best
Mouth Powers
it would be so fucking funny if, in order to prevent him from massively draining the capn's resources on revives, Asmodeus has to protect people
oh my god
you're right and you should say it
zerxus, watching this: i'm not saying any
asmodeus: SHUT THE FUCK UP
Mouth Powers
god it would be both very funny and also probably a big W/I step for Asmodeus to be like. trying to Debate Kahl like "NOW who's [whatever]" and Kahl is just like. egenuinely go-free ruthlessness. can't talk too busy killing
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how did that get scrambled
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*genuinely ego-free ruthlessness
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like he's not here to grandstand! he's here to shatter this tower and kill everyone in it
Mouth Powers
Asmodeus: so this is your lost lamb
Zerxus: i don't know how you missed it but he's a tiger
Jamie: BEST tiger!
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
Pyotr grumbling, "why couldnt he do that to the Barge.. "
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the Admiral has not broken faith with him
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(which is BOTH a couldn't and won't - as Vengeance, if he feels like he Has Cause, it makes him much more powerful)
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
Pyotr: but he kidnapped me??????????? (clearly the most important thing)
Jamie: Sorry, Zerxus, I'm sure you're not going to be pleased but I'm giving him scritches
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
what is his cause against the narrenschiff?
Mouth Powers
Kahl: yes but you were not mine then. for me he asked permission
Mouth Powers
Kahl is one of the willing inmates - the admiral made him an offer and he accepted
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
ah, i had thought he was unwilling
Mouth Powers
the Cap'n is trying to trap him INDEFINITELY on a ship with NO GRADUATION and did NOT ask
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
pyotr sighing...
Mouth Powers
yeah, Kahl had to be willing or he literally would never have graduated because he'd just be trying to kill everyone forever to hurt the admiral enough to let him die
Zerxus: No, no, even when he's doing things I don't like he deserves scritches
Zerxus: He went thousands of years without scritches just for being born
Mouth Powers
(for a while after his canon update Kahl FORGOT that he'd made that bargain, but he did make it and he could sort of. godsense that he didn't have cause and was just confused until he remembered)
Jamie: ...oh so he's a lost boy. Well, that makes everything make sense then
Mouth Powers
(but also 'there's a way out' makes a big difference to him. even if he has to be patient)
No wonder he's mine and I'm his.
Mouth Powers
the god of life and death made everyone forget about him
Mouth Powers
he was very very well lost
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
pyotr believes there could be ways out that dont involve cooperating with the kidnapper!
Mouth Powers
but the Cap'n does not offer one at all!
Mouth Powers
you simply must give the higher gods in your life feedback about how comparatively shitty their packages are
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
at least the capn doesnt make them have wardens
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
and less floods/breaches etc
Mouth Powers
(also like. nonphilosophically, emotionally. every time anyone has ever been kind to him in his whole entire life. it was on the barge. he is attached)
Mrs Sheepie
i'm not sure less than 4 weeks is a good sample size pyotr
John giving an air high five for 'look it's fucked up but it's better than where I was'
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
thats ooc info, that there are less floods/breaches and has also been communicated by narrenschiffers to bargizens but not to pyotr himself icly
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(he is admitting this even to himself not at all)
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(although he would admit that he has Liked Some Wardens)
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
^ lame!
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
(pyotr likes exactly one warden. one is better than some, clearly)
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(kahl also doesnt really mind floods and breaches. it's just different kinds of dreaming, or something)
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Jay he still misses porthos a lot
maddie just likes having not-quite-real lives that weren't at all shaped or tainted by sinister tbh
ʀᴜsʟɪᴛ ᴀɴᴛᴀɢ🧨
or actually pyotr might have gleaned there being less floods/breaches due to alec's post, but i'd have to check it again to confirm what was public
Mouth Powers
even though Zerxus is wayyy more permissive lol
u.u fun dad (though also, he DOES think kahl should be coming into his own as a god and using his abilities is part of that. it's just, ideally, that would have been a bit more gradual
but he does not like the idea of giving something to kahl and then taking it away for no actual reason)
Mouth Powers
kahl would have understood but definitely him more is the wrong word
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but it made explicit for him that they were in a less adversarial relationship
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than he otherwise would have assumed
that zerxus wasn't coming in expecting the worst?
Porthos was SO attached to him :-(
Mouth Powers
I had him find an old timey jacket in the wardrobe and have a full breakdown about it
he just wanted him to graduate and get to be A Real Boy (god of vengeance version)
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he's creeping along
bb :c ....possibly post-event they could talk about, you know. losing people in ways you have no control over
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(also because I went Fuzzy Memories route at first, he didn't entirely remember Porthos - he just knew he'd lost something SO SO SO important)
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and yes I'd love that
he's one I always have vague thoughts of bringing back some day
ah yes low key blowing up shit.
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Frankie just running by like "oh shit obviously I'm running away from something" while liquifying a pillar internally
Frankie. People have to live here after we're gone.
Mouth Powers
100% down for Tendi being pissed at her since she has the best knowledge of how Frankie can absolutely do that
if she figures it out, things are going to be hectic af
do you still have floods within the top-body of the post is VERY suggestive
to the point it may be fair to accuse Alec of IC exaggerating, he is a slippery fella after all
and also regardless of whether there are breaches, the culture of the breaches is also very different
Mouth Powers
yeah, the NS DEFINITELY still has floods, but I know Alec is a twisty guy
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....also realizing that once the barge is in sight/reach, one of Jedao's big priorities is just Getting Everyone Back On The Barge
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which he can do! as a little one or two seater mini-ship himself!
Mouth Powers
i mean people can walk but he can also Whisk Them past the fiasco of the decks in relative safety until Pytor fucks him up
Fives, so proud of his stepson /sniff
but he has the sense not to tell him >.>