Hey Jesse?? think about the stories you're telling yourself about why you HAVE to do all these things. carry all this stuff. some of these tasks are real and imporant and some are maybe more illusory. figure out the ones that are actually worth your drive and focus
the central Knight is usually a card of drive and success, but also about recklessness, and like...there's a warning about forcing things, I think. now is maybe not the time for Making! Things! Happen! or pushing through - now is maybe a time to reconcile with some of the hurts that have been coming his way lately
we've got the nostalgia and home of the 4 of wands and the pain and longing of the 3 of swords, the most interesting thing is the role of the page of pentacles in the middle
I think Lahabrea feels old and far from home and misses a lot of things, but in the here and now there are things to learn, and that's where he should be trying to put his focus
he would call it less homesick and more like. acknowledging there are things he should get back home to? his duty to his world hasn't stopped because he's come to the Barge
oooh, I love that deck! (spoons AND a gorgeous design) And a very good reminder for him. He needs to not overcompensate as a warden and go back to doing way too much for others and not enough for himself (this was actually something he talked about with Sheehan shortly after graduating)
The Two of Cups is for partnership, emotion, trust - but the fool of daring beginnings and the chariot of victory are both reversed. I think this reading speaks to sort of...muddling along in the middle, even when things aren't Brand New
for this deck, I think the Two also speaks to having a partnership/relationship with yourself, because the woman is embracing her own echo/mirror/ghost
Fives has made some big choices, and really grown into himself - the Mastery of Coins is a card of not just prosperity but providing, a protector who guides others and supports them in prospering
I think the first two cards really speak to how much he's grown into himself outside the barge and become the best version of himself, while the reversed temperance speaks to a need to re-assess here and find a new balance now that he's back on the barge
normally the page of cups is such a hopeful card, but this one feels a little more ambiguous - the page has an uncertain expression, and scarlet elf caps, while edible, are not super tasty (more often used for decoration)
pages are about youthful fumbling, and learning, and in an activity as high stakes as mushroom foraging or quasi-proposing to your best friend, nobody really wants to be making slightly clumsy choices!!!
The World serving as a reminder that everything is connected, that forests are full of deep root networks - in fact this isn't just one present upset, but a whole history and weave of life
honey fungus can damage trees that they parasitize, but are actually like. doing important ecosystem work for the forest as a whole, which speaks to how the roots of this fight are much older than one conversation, but also his and Gojyo's love and connection around it is ALSO a deep and broad network that can't be destroyed so quickly
the guidebook talks about them as getting their other common name "the trumpet of the dead" because they're creepy looking, they look like they're being played by the dead - but the Judgement in Tarot is not the judgement of the dead but by the dead, as the trumpets wake the dead and they rise up
all those deep-seated bonds are still down there, they can and will rise back up. and Black trumpets may look rotten and scary just like this fight feels apocalyptic - but actually they are some of the best tasting mushrooms!!!
the work and life and care they put in for years is still down there for both of them, and just because things are painful now doesn't mean those things won't emerge again
THE TRUTH IS. the truth is. Anakin was figuring out some huge unknowns??? Anakin was reckless, yes, full of passion that came to a bad end, but isn't that the risk when you take a leap of faith?
there is a unicorn for miracles; reaching out to luke and choosing luke is also reckless, also driven by emotion, and more clear-eyed in knowing who to trust and what's worth the gambles
it feels like a reading of compassionate love for all of anakin, his good and bad. I can't read anything discouraging from these sweet sweet kitties. if there's a PSL for him maybe it's time to take another leap
man, I have to admit that one of my favorite things about your Plurk readings is how many gorgeous tarot decks you have that I've never even heard of before
Parchment is basically equivalent to Coins/Pentacles for this one, and if you will allow me to just quote the guidebook for the 5 of Parchment: "Prepare yourself for betrayal, regret, and melancholy." lmao
I love that reading for Hakkai; I feel like it's very apt for the situation (and also, "a child carrying red mushrooms" is weirdly resonant with one of Gojyo's core images of "child with red scavenged wildflowers)
66technically 67 decks