Jedao is in a really weird space tbh, he was doing Not Great about losing Eiffel, worse about Gojyo also rejecting them, then had something of a slow motion friend break up with Malcolm, and it's like - none of these are close to the worst shit he's been through, he can handle it, but he's feeling a bit word down, doing his best to support Jarthur & co
Mυrder Mυғғιɴ
I don't know when or if or how exactly Jedao would say anything else to malcolm, he's very aware that he's been a bad friend to him but he doesn't really think he can do better
heartbreakingly messy tbh, idk what your thoughts/wants are next, there, but just want to make sure to reiterate that OOC I think you're great and Malcolm is a fun and fascinating character etc
Frankie is Chillin, making surface-level friends, so far trusts absolutely nobody, Actually Likes maybe 4 people, is trying to find some unscrupulous allies for a Smol Scheme, vampire preferred because she's willing to bargain with blood but not necessary
I would love if Fives and J could interact somehow during the event, vacation or whatever comes after, but it's also not a big deal if Jedao would utterly avoid it atm
Love bothering Kahl with things. Corvo and him need to reunite now that he's gone home for a smidge bit and talked to the Outsider. Who probably smelled Kahl on him like "ew".
Annnnnnnd - obvs more Justine and Jedao AND Godric and Jedao. Godric can come help soothe him now that he's seen Fives and knows that it's a Big Deal.
if Godric admitted (or Jedao just kind of Clocked the Vibe) that he was teeny smidge nervous-jealous over Jedao 2 about Fives, Jedao would find that so gratifying lmao
Hakkai is going to be a little extra clingy over his own not great feelings re: Eiffel and Gojyo. they're all in the process of being repressed into a small cube that will explode later unexpectedly, but for now he's mostly just gonna be attentive and a little needy
Jedao like, if we fuck twice a day and I never set foot in the dining hall and only eat at home is that good for you???? /also clingy but doesn't know what to do about it
it's very good for him and also he might go for taking Jedao to see nice things around the ship that don't involve talking to other people. like, come snorkel with him and meet weird fish. let him help take your wetsuit off afterwards.
If they run into each other, Malcolm won’t, like, turn around and walk out of the room or anything. I actually was going to see about them crossing paths on vacation ship before the Walter incident. Start the work of mending fences. Not expecting everything to just be Fixed. They’ve always had ups and downs so
It maybe seems more apparent to him at this point how Jedao is super duper close to... pretty much everyone who can’t stand Malcolm. Past and present company. But he’s also tight with people Malcolm is close to as well, like John Doe and Shaw.
i know this is not "pwm for november," but maybe we can temp pair jedao and pyotr in november? Since there will not be pairings in October, if I understood correctly.
I will say, part of Pyotr just really wants a warden to be like "yeah, this is fucked up, but the suffering of 50 or so inmates isn't worth my whole world dying from a nuclear bomb [or whatever they're using their deal for, this is inspired by his thoughts on Lucy specifically]" so in that sense Jedao could be refreshing though i dont expect
and he thinks for SOME inmates who suffer a lot, it still turns out well, like j1 - but for some even if they graduate it's a place that was just BAD for them and that sucks!! (like James)
and he's willing to accept being part of it because inmates have a decent chance to be in the first category, but it still super sucks for those in the second
lucifer, because he and asmodeus stuck on the same ship would be very funny to me specificallyAnnnnnnnd - obvs more Justine and Jedao AND Godric and Jedao. Godric can come help soothe him now that he's seen Fives and knows that it's a Big Deal.
let him help take your wetsuit off afterwards.