Ya wanna know what's pissing me off more than the rats? The gnats.
I gpt out of bed for a drink of ice water. Ice maker was empty, needed water. water resevoir had gnats floating in it. I frustratedly clean it out, go to pour water in from the brita pitcher, find a beetle swimming in that. Growl in frustration and clean that out. MORE GNATS HAVE GONE SWIMMING IN THE ICE MAKER WHILE MY BACK WAS TURNED
They have been fucking obnoxious this year! Worse than any other summer I can remember, and we've always had indoor house plants, so surely it's not those, right???
I'm juat constantly paranoid, now, about them flying into my food and drinks, ans they'll buzz my head 24/7! I'll have five of the little fuckers harassing me while I work! And we buy fly-paper-style sticky traps that end up just covered in the things in the house in only a couple weeks' time!
papermint tiger
can you set up some glasses of apple vinegar and soap covered in a cellophane with holes in it?
papermint tiger
that's how we got rid of our gnat issues
Hooded Figure
I've had gnats in my fridge this year and cannot understand it
Hooded Figure
made the fridge colder recently because there were too many in there to have been closed in by mistake and that is a problem
papermint tiger : Ohhh, I haven't heard of that trick! I'll have to try it!
Hooded Figure : omg that would drive me insane! My mom said that the gnats have been droving my grandma nuts, too, but she's in west Texas, where we never had gnats before, so there must be something going on!