Flash Bastard
[Dreamwidth] You come into DENISE'S HOUSE and try to shill crypto???
Flash Bastard
read the room, my dude
Flash Bastard
especially the room you just entered
Vampire Ren
Man crypto-bros are sure something else.
Vampire Ren
At least they didn't try suggesting NFTs.
Man, I saw the first comment shortly after the post went up, and assumed he was making a joke that just didn't land.
But no. Dude just kept doubling down, holy shit.
Ashen Key
Ashen Key
like, crypto would make DW lose money.
go тo вread
lol wow
Flash Bastard
She even told them 'the code's open source, you're free to go and make your own.'
Flash Bastard
I just. You come into Denise's house
Flash Bastard
And okay, paid prices might go up, that sucks a bit... but it's also genuinely surprising to realise they haven't been raised yet.
Cerise ♢
What planet is that guy on.
Ashen Key
Planet Crypto. Or, rather, I think it's a moon by their slang, but. It's a whooooole different world
Cerise ♢
Ah, the moon they're all going to eventually. I see.
Ashen Key
aaaaany day now! they swear!
pixel nipples
yeah denise really held off increasing prices but as she said, they havent adjusted the costs to users at all in 15 years so like
pixel nipples
i cant be too mad if they gotta charge a little more
Vampire Ren
Yeah increased prices are much preferable to ads.
Ashen Key
and I'd rather a bit of an increase than crypto or AI. Or ads. I'm down to one account I have extra icons for usually, so, a price increase is fine by me
Flash Bastard
In fact the non-crypto-bro comments have been broadly 'if you gotta raise prices that is entirely valid and preferable to ads.'
Flash Bastard
(To which she said 'ads wouldn't get us money anyway because if 99 percent of you don't have adblockers enabled I'll eat my hat.')
Ashen Key
(she knows us so well)
Flash Bastard
(She really do.)
Ashen Key
and like, we're pretty much all adults here. We get the price increases need to happen for the website we still stick around on.
Ashen Key
it's hardly a sign of the end times
Flash Bastard
the room: Here's the lawsuits we're in against anti-privacy internet bullshit! Also we may need to raise prices a smidge for the first time ever.
the cryptobro: HaVe YoU cOnSiDeReD bLoCkChAiN?????
Flash Bastard
Denise: No.
Flash Bastard
LJ, meanwhile, emailing me with account birthdays like 'you got a new achievement!' would ever make me come back.
Vampire Ren
Honestly I wonder if LJ is even still alive at this point, or if it's finally gone the way of MySpace.
Ashen Key
ontd is still alive last time i checked
Ashen Key
might be the last holdout, though
Flash Bastard
It... was popular in Russia. How much that stands with Russia being itself and buying the servers, though, I don't know.
pastel ranma
Meanwhile my housemate being himself about this xD https://dw-news.dreamwidth.org/...
Ashen Key
pastel ranma : HAHA, I mean, he's not wrong.
Ashen Key
the bro never did explain HOW it was supposed to fix anything! or why the current business model doesn't work
pastel ranma
It's true. Like I think it's foreign to the chud that not everyone wants to wring every last cent out of a userbase.
pastel ranma
(and crypto isn't even GOOD at that, but damn is it blatant when it's used that that's what it's for)
Ashen Key
and the reason WHY DW is so successful and stable is because... they don't try and fuck us over
pastel ranma
yeah like I've used the paid services, never thought I would but they're actually super reasonable even on my fixed income.
Flash Bastard
Denise also like 'I feel genuinely bad that we can't support the visual arts the way we can text-based stuff.'
Flash Bastard
She's a good'un.
Ramases II
"Raising prices will kill your business, you should implement crypto."
"Here's how the business financials work and how and why raising prices would work. How would crypto help?"
"Raising prices will kill your business, you should implement crypto."
Ramases II
Honestly more than crypto being a stupid fucking idea all around i hate the fact that they all refuse to explain how it's even supposed to help. Literally make shit up and I'd feel less insulted
Oh Dear...
she was very firm, polite, and professional about shutting him the fuck down and he just. ignored it?? amazing.
Bless Denise for putting up with this crap so professionally
also, I appreciate her being honest about why she would be doing a price increase soon. More than happy to help pay for server maintenance
✧ Navigator ✧
ngl her replies have been incredibly educational.
I'd say I genuinely can't believe how tone-deaf this cryptofuck is being, but
he's a cryptofuck, of course he's tone-deaf.
Le Tits Now
I'm genuinely impressed and amazed at how they've kept prices the same for 15 years
Le Tits Now
I have no problem with paying a bit more for a paid account, even if I'm not actively using a lot of the features. I do need to use DW more generally
Le Tits Now
And also lool god crypto bros are just facepalm
He's not just shilling crypto. He's shilling Trump crypto. Check his last post.
Vampire Ren
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
Flash Bastard
Flash Bastard
Le Tits Now
Looking at the account, that guy is almost definitely a Russian disinfo account
Flash Bastard
That tracks.
Ramases II
Confused this site with LJ
𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙
...cypto-bro, why are you here?
to (try to) spread misinformation, would be my guess
lmfao little did they know that everyone here has seen that song and dance before and isn't having it
bean check
i looked at his actual journal and yeah it tracks with everything else he's said
Honestly I'd be more willing to pay dw more than like...disney+ because at least dw has garnered enough good will that I believe Denise when she says she doesn't want to up the prices unlike big companies who may or may not just be running on corporate greed
this guy was spamming different RP accounts with his crypto shilling
✧ Navigator ✧
potentially hacked.
holy shit this guy is an absolute numpty
✧ Navigator ✧
ngl i think that dw account has probably been hijacked; a 2017 account that only has those recent posts? but is friended to lots of RU/Ukrainian language accounts? hacked for sure.
Flash Bastard
If hacked, I hope the original owner can get it back.
Flash Bastard
Either way, you come into Denise's house to shill crypto? My dude.
✧ Navigator ✧
✧ Navigator ✧
trump supporting crypto no less
asuka brain
Honestly if they bumped prices by 35-40% because I'd still then be paying like... $8.50 for two months of paid time, which is like two cups of coffee at a local cafe lol.
asuka brain
Easy decision for me to keep supporting them
✧ Navigator ✧
cheaper than a movie ticket. or avocado toast
Flash Bastard
Also, as long as y'all are here, DW status moved to Bluesky on account of twitter falling the fuck apart.
Vampire Ren
Which is definitely the right call. Brazil has blocked Twitter and the EU could follow in the future.
We don't deserve Denise
garfs per min
We don't. Also wow I hadn't known about the MS case. Not looking forward to if this one fucks me over.
"we're actually fine thanks" "but here's how you can solve the problem!" "the problem we're not having?" "yes you are!"
pastel ranma
yeah exactly
Seriously. If you WERE to be annoyed at the prices going up, just get a 12 month subscription just before it happens and you don't have to worry about it. Or, you know. Just don't.
Crypto wouldn't help in the least because the power it would eat up would take care of any small amount it brought in.
Le Tits Now
Not to mention, the majority of the people using DW would hate crypto and it has kind of a high barrier to entry just in terms of figuring out how to use it
lol @ the weird crypto guy responding to denise's polite comment abt freezing the thread with a link to more weird crypto talk and no one is looking at it.