[Household Rodents Again] OMG I can't stop cracking up at these crafty little shits!
So my dog zoomed into the shelf with the noah's ark model on top again, right? And I stared at it for a second, kept thinking I was seeing something, shined my phone light inside, and saw a cute little fluffy face with it's sniffer nose going full speed inside. WELP. Started calling my mom while staring at the ark, she comes out, and I'm like "It's in
your ark! 8'D Help me trap it!" She grabs a garbage bag out of the pantry while I'm still staring at it, but I haven't seen it in a couple minutes, and I swear, I didn't see it leave, so it's got to be inside there, somewhere, right? We'll just bag it, turn it upside down, shake it, and voila! Rat in Bag!
Mom comes over, starts bagging the ark from above, and while I'm standing slightly to the side to help her cover the whole thing, I glance her way just enough to see in my periphery a teeny, grey blur go flying towards the chair!
I stopped, "OH NO, WAIT!" get a little closer to the chair, see the tail sticking out from underneath, and right as I'm going "OH, OH, OH, THERE, IT'S THERE, LOOK!" it jumped all the way from underneath the chair, right up into the chimney in one leap!
So at that point, I just started cackling. The little shit gave us the slip again!
Mom was so confused, not even Ian saw it go this time, just me! We're really gonna need to figure out how to block that fireplace. ISTG, if they didn't have diseases and weren't able to tear up all of our stuff, I'd love these little fuckers! I still do, kinda, despite myself! They're little assholes, but they're just living their
lives, and it's just unfortunate that their lives and our lives are incompatible for the humans in the equation.
Pumpqueen Fall
wow! (LOL) I'm glad you love them but yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah they're so cute but alsdkja;ldskjas;lkdjas;lkdj
Yep, pretty much! If it were a pet rat, he'd be getting lots od scritches and treats for his shenanigans. As a wild rat, he's got to go. If he'd let us catch him, we'd take him out to a giant field a few miles away so he could eat seeds and grasses to his heart's content, and not have to hide from our rat-obsessed doggo!
WELP. One of them was caught tonight, through joint efforts of sis and Ian! And...not in the expected way.
Tiff saw it climbing on another shelf, snuck off to try and find a glove to grab it. Came back, it was still there, she managed to pin its tail and was trying to figure out how to contain it so she could transport it somewhere in the wild. When she turned with it in her hand, Ian went NOMF.
He put it down when he was told to, but let's just say that he is definitely a Ratter. It is now an Ex Rat.
At least it was quick. lol
I was in my room, but I immediately knew something was up because I heard /Scuffle...scuffle scuffle/ "Oh, Ian,- oh...Oh." in that tone that made it clear that it was A Thing.
We cheered for him and said he was a good boy and gave him scritches, and Ex Rat was put in the garbage can outside. Luckily, today is garbage day. lol