
I find it so funny as a Canadian to see a woke troll trying to troll me with comments about Trump. Do you really think I’m going to lose sleep because you’re bad-mouthing a politician? I’m not part of your woke gang of emotional wrecks who see some random comment or photo and call for its cancellation along with a therapy session to get over it.
Who's the troll Leshoshin?
Let me know and I will rip them limb from limb!

What's that?
Is the troll little old me?
Free speech and liberty?

What's next?
Shall I replurk your posts?
Send help for the animals who need it the most?

What's this????
The mouth that roars is the help that soars?
Then hear my best and the rest ignore!
KamalaDECEPTION : Actually, I don't know why you feel targeted, because this is mostly about people who were speaking badly about Trump to me, thinking it would make me feel bad, and that was on another social network.