Life bursts forth! Streaming out of strawber- ries, this seminal energy is present in many of the strongest, most active cards of the tarot deck. Jubilant and powerful, it flocks to any conduit that can manifest it. //
// When you see its energy turn up in a read, know that some facet of your life is anointed right now- you are charged with the same raw power that split open the first atoms of the universe.
Many readers will opt to take the Strawberries out from their deck, as it is not a part of the original Arcana. The choice is yours to make.//
A vent bursts open on the riverbank and a pillar of flame rushes out. One fiery ten- dril loops crazily around the blazing col- umn, finally unfurling to capture the Page of Wands. //
// Cast up into the air, he is drawn inward toward the ethereal fire. A nubile conduit, he courses with the energy of the in- ferno. A power kindles in his spirit and he feels the call to begin something magical.//
//When you see the Page of Wands in a read- ing, you are about to set out on a journey of the mind. You have been struck with some novel or wonderful idea, and you have the na- ive, unfettered enthusiasm of a child to catalyze it. //
//Take risks like you've never been hurt. Be- lieve wholeheartedly in something. Your divine vibrancy will bring your vision to life. Your courage and passion will see it to completion.//
//XVII. THE STAR After the cataclysmic fall of the Tower, a woman is cast into the air. At the apex of her as- cent, she sees the whole world around her, stars singing their high, clear aria. The sleigh bell descant fills her with hope, and in the midst of stark calamity, she is at peace. Lily tendrils en- twine around her, linking her to a brilliant light//
//The Star is a beacon of hope. Though the night is dark and arduous, across the sky are smat- tered reminders that suns blaze perpetually, even if our own is hidden from sight. //
//Believe the sun will rise, not as an empty sentiment but an immutable law of nature. For now, let the subtle radiance light your way, splayed gal- axies working in concert to guide you home.//
// XVII. 星星 在塔樓的災難性崩潰之後,一位女性被拋向空中。在她上升的頂點,她看到了周圍的整個世界,星星們唱著高亢清晰的旋律。鈴聲的高音讓她充滿希望,在嚴酷的災難中,她感到平靜。百合的觸鬚纏繞著她,將她與耀眼的光芒連結在一起。 星星是希望的燈塔。儘管夜晚黑暗而艱難,天空中仍有星星提醒我們,太陽永遠在燃燒,即使我們自己的太陽隱藏在視線之外。相信太陽會升起,這不是空洞的情感,而是自然的不可變法則。現在,讓微妙的光輝照亮你的道路,星系們協同工作引導你回家。//
//QUEEN OF CHALICES The Queen of Chalices sits atop the river spir- it, holding her Chalice betwixt an active and passive hand. Autumn leaves swirl all around her as her fluid form deliquesces into water, gushing like a cataract down into the stream. //
// Feelings are often discounted as too amorphous and changeable. Yet it is their endless malle- ability that gives them their fluid power. They can take out any form, still charged with the power of the mighty subconscious, they are the surging forces within our beings that make us strong. //
//When you draw the Queen of Chal- ices, it is time to tune in with the feelings at bay. Trust your intuitions. Reach out to oth- ers; find what makes them thrive and delight.//
//SIX OF WANDS The bitter struggle of the Fives unsnarled, the radiant victor floats toward the sun. As his skiff drifts downstream, he closes his eyes, soaking up the warm, golden rays. The twisted strands of energy twine around the six of wands, holding them upright and finally unifying them into a single pur- pose. At long last they are balanced, at rest.
//Fighting for your vision can be a worthy but exhausting endeavor. If you don't take the time to appreciate how far you've come, you may very well burn out before you reach the final culmination your vision. //
//As you inexorably float toward the next set of difficulties, pause in the present moment and take in all the beauty around you. You have accomplished much, and you have been granted a brief view of the Elysi- um that awaits you at the end of your journey.//
A boy leans over a sharp precipice, deliberately dropping three Chalices into the river. The two that remain on the cliff bubble merrily, happy to avoid the fate of their brothers' dissolution. //
//For the three that vexed him, it wasn't enough for him to simply pour out their contents: he had shed himself of the entire vessel before he could be rid of their cloying influence. By discarding their toxic energies, he is free to start again.//
//Rather than swirling in an endless whirlpool of uncertainty, it's better to shed what you know and make room for fresher, more positive energy to enter your life. Pain is an ephemeral indicator of growth. Have the courage to dictate new chapters of your life.//
但我沒有認真在看,以前還沒有或還不知道拍照翻譯的工具Life bursts forth! Streaming out of strawber- ries, this seminal energy is present in many of the strongest, most active cards of the tarot deck. Jubilant and powerful, it flocks to any conduit that can manifest it.
When you see its energy turn up in a read, know that some facet of your life is anointed right now- you are charged with the same raw power that split open the first atoms of the universe.
Many readers will opt to take the Strawberries out from their deck, as it is not a part of the original Arcana. The choice is yours to make.//
沒有看這副的解讀書,但其實應該是可以看看,畢竟我印象中作者是有自己寫解讀書的,不是拿樣板複製這樣(A vent bursts open on the riverbank and a pillar of flame rushes out. One fiery ten- dril loops crazily around the blazing col- umn, finally unfurling to capture the Page of Wands. //
After the cataclysmic fall of the Tower, a woman is cast into the air. At the apex of her as- cent, she sees the whole world around her, stars singing their high, clear aria. The sleigh bell descant fills her with hope, and in the midst of stark calamity, she is at peace. Lily tendrils en- twine around her, linking her to a brilliant light//
The Queen of Chalices sits atop the river spir- it, holding her Chalice betwixt an active and passive hand. Autumn leaves swirl all around her as her fluid form deliquesces into water, gushing like a cataract down into the stream. //
Feelings are often discounted as too amorphous and changeable. Yet it is their endless malle- ability that gives them their fluid power. They can take out any form, still charged with the power of the mighty subconscious, they are the surging forces within our beings that make us strong. //
The bitter struggle of the Fives unsnarled, the radiant victor floats toward the sun. As his skiff drifts downstream, he closes his eyes, soaking up the warm, golden rays. The twisted strands of energy twine around the six of wands, holding them upright and finally unifying them into a single pur- pose. At long last they are balanced, at rest.
A boy leans over a sharp precipice, deliberately dropping three Chalices into the river. The two that remain on the cliff bubble merrily, happy to avoid the fate of their brothers' dissolution. //