8/31/24 - 9/1/24
little prince
‘Dangerous and un-American’: new recording of JD Vance’s dark vision of women and immigration
Trump’s running mate rants against feminism, immigrants and Ilhan Omar in a newly unearthed podcast from 2021
little prince
Polio vaccines
little prince
Wells Fargo employee found dead at her desk days after she last clocked into work, authorities say
little prince
Well that’s horrifying and sad
little prince
regarding the plane crash, it seems to have been a test flight gone wrong, according to the ATC conversation
FATAL CRASH Into Residential Houses at Troutdale - P...
duck bastard
yeah, my friend actually lives RIGHT near this and was out driving when this happened. all of us freaked out over it, but she's safe, it wasn't in her neighborhood. but still, god damn
A Grinning DM
I just came here to post the story about the Wells Fargo employee story but I see someone already did
A Grinning DM
How wild is it for someone to die in their cubicle and not be noticed for FOUR DAYS?
duck bastard
that's what i'm saying. like there were some guys in a comment section that were like "WELL THEY ONLY WORK WEEKDAYS SO OF COURSE" and i'm just like.....
duck bastard
y'all don't got that 24/7 security doing rounds? do you not have a god damn janitor coming on at the end of the week? where are your managers
duck bastard
there's literally zero excuse
little prince
Exactly. That is horrifying and sad and awful and I have no words. Especially because I work in a cubicle.
little prince
little prince
CN for this one. Lots of CN. For profit hospital system trapping vulnerable psychiatric patients to bill their insurance companies for thousands upon thousands of dollars. The article contains mentions of sexual, physical, and emotional violence.
little prince
Israeli protests demand Gaza deal after IDF says 6 hostages killed
E.S. Levi
Re: the psych hospital thing, that is, sadly, a known danger of inpatient psychiatric care. Some of them just never got the memo that it's not the 17th century anymore...
Hooded Figure
E.S. Levi
Power trips and contempt for anyone who falls outside the bounds of 'normalcy'?
duck bastard
little prince
Boar’s Head Plant Tied to 9 Deaths Had Mold, Leaky Pipes and Flies
Federal inspectors cited continuing problems at a deli meat plant in Virginia that was linked to an outbreak of listeria, records indicate.
E.S. Levi
You'd think a major corporate factory would be able to afford a plumber and an exterminator...
E.S. Levi : "Able to afford" and "willing to pay for" are two very different things in this economy...
If one looks at it from a frame of class warfare, the wealthy might even think that paying "peasants" to do anything of the sort defeats the purpose of business. (unsure)
E.S. Levi
Yeah well, that's what inspections are for. Get caught taking gambles with customer health like this, and you generally lose much more money than you'd have had to pay to just fix the problem as soon as it became evident...
little prince
Thousands of hotel workers launch strike after talks stall with top chains

little prince
Don’t cross picket lines if you’re currently traveling and can avoid staying at struck hotels.
E.S. Levi : they don't care, they really don't
little prince
Trump ridiculed after accusing Kamala Harris of mistreating Mike Pence
Harris campaign responds: ‘In a stunning senile moment Trump suggested it was Harris who treated Pence poorly’
little prince
little prince
As California dam removal hits final stage, river flows freely for first time in a century
E.S. Levi : unfortunately, our inspection policies are pretty flimsy... from what I've heard, inspectors are badly backlogged and rushed, and fines tend to fall way short of actually outweighing the potential savings of just not doing what they should do
corporations frequently count potential fines/lawsuits as accounting liabilities, i.e. not a serious problem just the cost of doing business
E.S. Levi
I also sadly know from firsthand experiences that when places know health inspectors are coming, they do a big push right before to get everything up to standard and just generally hide the evidence of their typical noncompliance, sigh...
yep, scheduled inspections in general
also a problem in aviation
this is why regulations are so important
Hooded Figure
yeah, and the expectation of unscheduled inspections at any moment
A Grinning DM
The punishments for violating regs need to be much more severe too
A Grinning DM
Even when companies are caught breaking the law, the fines they get are usually a small slap on the wrist
A Grinning DM
I remember seeing one report recently where an employ was killed on a job sight due to his company not following safety regs and the fine was like $50k
yeah, a fine that doesn't represent a bigger cost than the savings of cutting corners just isn't an effective financial incentive
A Grinning DM
“Interesting” how if you or I accidentally kill someone via negligence we can go to jail for a long time for manslaughter but if our bosses do it it like a fraction of a percent of revenue lost
oh yeah the standard for criminal negligence actually being treated as a criminal act by a person or persons is ridiculously high once there's a corporation involved
corporations are tools for concentrating wealth and diffusing responsibility
E.S. Levi
Corporations are people, right up until it's inconvenient for them, and then suddenly they're just bank accounts with extra rules e_e