little prince
little prince
Jack Smith files superceding indictment against Trump in Jan. 6 case
little prince
Israeli settlers are seizing Palestinian land under cover of war
little prince
Two workers killed by tire blowout on Delta plane in Atlanta
A Boeing 757 was undergoing maintenance when a tire blew out, killing two airline workers and injuring another
little prince
RFK Jr faces call for investigation into claim he chainsawed whale’s head off
Activists say Kennedy could’ve committed felony violation for allegedly driving with whale skull strapped to car roof
whaaat is wrong with that person
✩ 🎀 𝒩𝒾𝓀𝒾𝓁 🎀 ✩
Brain worms
why does every apparently true thing about this man up the ante and also sound like a complete shitpost
little prince
Because he is a walking shitpost.
little prince
And I think the fact that he apparently makes a habit of harvesting roadkill meat can help account for that brain worm...
Feds file new indictment in Trump Jan. 6 case, keepi...
Feds file new indictment in Trump Jan. 6 case, keeping charges intact but narrowing allegations
Israel went into the West Bank to target four different cities at once