it's interesting to see that everytime there's real toxic drama on tiktok the person responsible is someone who posts indirects about people and accusing them of stuff. i really think the internet made a lot of people's mental illnesses worse and i'm not saying this to be ableist, i genuinely mean it as you cannot reflect and move on from situations when you
spend a major amount of time sitting online and talking about things someone did to you or someone you perceive as bad. i'm sure there are many times where speaking out publicly it's important, empowering and part of healing, but these people really just do this for the drama, half of the time there's not even a direct name drop. and i think that's really
unhealthy, immature and petty. the reason this keeps happening and these people get outed as bad people themselves later on is because putting yourself in this echo chamber of your own hatred for someone makes it a) harder to move on and b) forget about the things YOU do to other people as well. there is no point in holding grudges over things unless it was
purposeful, extremely harmful and they're at risk of doing it to someone else again. if not, then the best thing you can do for yourself is move on. and trust me, i know it's hard to let go. i still curse people who did me dirty in my head from time to time, but victimizing yourself constantly leaves no room for self improvement.
i believe you can be a victim of a situation and still end up holding a grudge to an unhealthy and useless amount. and there are going to be situations where because of your feelings towards what happened to you before, you will have a hard time realizing when you're in the wrong yourself. petty drama online is not the solution many people today think it is
obviously this isn't talking about genuinely important things like SA and abuse allegations, i'm more so referring to "yoh did this bad thing that really doesn't affect anyone one time and now i'm going to talk about you publicly for likes". there are things that are really better left to deal with offline. stop being petty and mature a little, genuinely