Mouth Powers
/TDL -
Mouth Powers
1) okay I think I will not do a dedicated Kahl event post, BUT if anyone wants me to tag him in anywhere (even if it's your inbox because you also don't have one) lmk
Mouth Powers
2) gonna try to do some more tag-ins today
Mouth Powers
3) LiberBEARian do you by any chance have an actual list of all the inboxes Thrawn hit up for the Cleaning Day?
Mouth Powers
3.a backdated ice cream stuff, maybe half IC/have OOC? idk how much people want to play vs handwave
Mouth Powers
3.b post-event Frankie post about Helper Tokens
Mouth Powers
4) HOUSE CHORES a. laundry started b. trash taken down c. round 1 dishes washed
Mouth Powers
d. litter boxes e. so much sweeping f. plan lunches
Mouth Powers
5. mod stuff! 5.a READ APPS 5.b proposed language changes for job stuff
Mouth Powers
6. set up a frankie filter for my inbox already
I am so looking forward to being in game again and getting to play with you
Mouth Powers
Mouth Powers
me behind the scenes when your questions came rolling in "EYYYYY CHANCE BACK"
Mouth Powers : I do! When I am
At my computer I’ll post it over
Mouth Powers
gracias! 07
Mouth Powers
7. DROP EVERYTHING to beat another Finkz the Rat puzzle lmao
Mouth Powers
4.d litter boxes
Mouth Powers
Kota Jedao would definitely check in on Justine in all of the phases if he could, thoughts on doing multi-threads vs handwaving that he checked in with her during Fog World and she was like "i'm having a wonderful time" and he was cool, check in again later
I'm open to whatever you have time for! I always love playing things out, but if handwaving it easier, then I'm good with it!
Mouth Powers
Mrs Sheepie Kira🌵 I definitely still want Jedao+Eiffel and Jedao+Hakkai in the latterdays stuff - is there somewhere I should tag in to y'all?
Mrs Sheepie
i didn't end up getting anything up for eiffel, so honestly inbox is fine for me, or we can do something on hakkai's or jedao's posts
We could have the Jedao + Hakkai thread be latterdays and have Hakkai wander from fog into the Otherworld while Jedao is heading up to meet him? (thinking)
Mouth Powers
Mouth Powers
(pending inbox one or two)
Mouth Powers
5.a apps
(actually alternatively how about I tag into Jedao's post for the thread set in the later days, I think the fogpost works better for being a frayed but still rational Hakkai)
Mouth Powers
6. filter made
Mouth Powers
Kira🌵 just realized your tag says PRE monster day so Jedao shouldn't really be wounded at all, idk if you want to redo or not
mod stuff coming!!! Frankie post coming!!!
Mouth Powers
4.e at least some sweeping last night
oh! EH let's do early monster day instead I'm good with that
Mouth Powers
iiiiiiiiit completely slipped my mind to have Lahabrea check in with Frankie after pairings. since he would have anyway, would you prefer to backdate or just handwave that first 'this is who I am, and do you need anything' meeting?
Mouth Powers
Un(t)sundered I'd love to actually play it, she'd have requests!
o7 I will get that out... tomorrow probably
the heatwave is killing my ability to actually be productive on tags