Trump’s post of fake Taylor Swift endorsement is his...
Trump’s post of fake Taylor Swift endorsement is his latest embrace of AI-generated images
Vance and Walz are still relatively unknown, but the...
Vance and Walz are still relatively unknown, but the governor is better liked, an AP-NORC poll finds
Groups say they're shut out of global treaty talks o...
Groups say they’re shut out of global treaty talks on plastics pollution in Bangkok
Thomas Lane released from federal custody after completing sentence for George Floyd's murder
little prince
Montana becomes eighth state with ballot measure seeking to protect abortion rights
Teen girl sues Detroit judge who detained her after ...
...after she fell asleep in courtroom
During a field trip! She wasn’t even there because she had a case!
little prince
She is a child, and he didn’t just humiliate her - he further traumatized her. I hope he loses his place on the bench.
E.S. Levi
But of course he's being taken off duty with pay. Basically 'punished' for inappropriate behavior with a vacation.
Hugh Following
wow thst BBC article is trying hard to make something out of nothing
Hugh Following
like they have an angle with 3, Gaza, bit given that they both acknowledge that the convention is where you put on your fanciest show vs getting too deep into issues and that both Bernie and Biden mentioned the ceasefire, it's a bit like... idk that you sh/could reasonably expect more
Hugh Following
and the other two are identity politics - which a) they are very clearly running on a message of What If We Just Let Everyone Be, Jeez and 2) there is a LOT about rqce and class and that's extremely identify politics? like yeah they are not using the actual terms DEI and affirmative action but that's because those are like MAGA dogwhistles at.current
Hugh Following
but Identity Politics are most certainly being addressed
Hugh Following
and then.the second is Internal Party Strife, calling out how in the past the dems have kind of at each other's throats and this year everyone is trying to get along. which is just wild to present like it's An Issue
yeah "don't want to talk about" sounds like secrets that they want to keep, rather than just not the common ground points they're focusing on strategically right now
Hugh Following
yeah haha
how weird that they're not making their convention about //checks notes// refusing to work together
especially when the comparison is to 2016 when they lost the national election strange that this time around they're not doing things more like they did in 2016
it is a mystery
Hugh Following
weird that they're not focussing on divisivness when running a message of "don't get distracted by petty shit when the stakes are so high"
Hugh Following
I agree that it was a bit weird to have Actual Self Identified Billionaire follow Bernies Eat the Rich speech but again like, okay.
Hugh Following
and the line from the article "The big tent, at least for now, covered obvious differences of policy and opinion." is like.... yeah that's kinda the point of The Big Tent?
Hugh Following
somebody at the BBC was given an assignment to write something salacious about the Dems and they did their best
reminds me of the fact checking article from CNN I saw about the DNC
they go through and clarify some points speakers made and I'm just sitting here like...ah okay yeah those are mistakes sure but like, compared to the much much MUCH longer articles fact checking Drumpf and his bs every time he steps on a stage these are not even ticking as bad to me
just human error
meanwhile you have a man spewing actual dangerous lies a mile a minute