little prince
Neo-Nazi terrorist group using Steve Bannon account to radicalize people
Exclusive: Group is covertly seeding violent propaganda on to mainstream social media channels, report finds
little prince
Disney Backs Down From Effort to Use Disney+ Agreement to Block Lawsuit
The entertainment company had faced a backlash after claiming that a man whose wife died after an allergic reaction to food at Disney World had waived his right to sue when he signed up for Disney+.
little prince
‘That just absolutely killed fundraising’: RFK Jr.’s running mate admits they’re considering joining forces with Trump

Kennedy campaign spent more than $7m in July but only brought in $5.6m
Hugh Following
https://images.plurk.com/3R44L56tg2XCmcQaLpUwzG.jpg yeah I bet they did
Hugh Following
"hey boss should we pay $50k or let the news continue to publish stories about how we claim a guy whose wife died of allergen related food poisoning can't sue us because he signed up for a free trial of Disney+?"
Hugh Following
"seems like every single person who hears the story comes away thinking were a bunch of slimy weasels which is not quite the vibe we like to give and $50k is like pocket lint to us"
little prince
Masked police raid Andrew Tate's home in Romania as fresh allegations emerge
Romanian officials said investigating allegations of human trafficking, the trafficking of minors, sexual intercourse with a minor, influencing statements and money laundering.
These states could vote on abortion in the 2024 election https://www.npr.org/...