It’s always missed in this debate that these people are trading perfectly healthy urinary organs for whatever Frankenstein experiment their Medicaid, insurance, gofundme, or Thai trip can afford.
Are all these kids going to end up dead in 20 years from kidney & bladder diseases?
Looks like Griffin's cause of death may have been a stroke, possibly due to either the chronic kidney failure or testosterone use (like the Locked In Syndrome woman), or both, or some third underlying contributor in combination.
//這個女孩從 13 歲開始變性,在陰莖整形手術失敗後出現了嚴重的併發症,現在已經死亡。 她的手臂被取肉,塑成了假陰莖,並固定在她的腹股溝上。 雖然官方沒有公佈她的死因,但她的健康狀況一直在惡化。 移植毀了她的一生,但即使在死後,她的親人也給了她最後的侮辱,在她的訃告中稱她為男性。
我們的醫療機構何時才能覺醒? 兒童過渡就是虐待兒童!//
Are all these kids going to end up dead in 20 years from kidney & bladder diseases?
中風 血液功能不全問題,是否能推論死因
Looks like Griffin's cause of death may have been a stroke, possibly due to either the chronic kidney failure or testosterone use (like the Locked In Syndrome woman), or both, or some third underlying contributor in combination.
分院報導-北投分院-身體臆形症(Body Dysmorphic Disorder)