Trying to write up a resume after 17 years of content creating in SL is hard AF. I can just barely remember where I worked before never mind dates and supervisors etc. I'm so fucked.
Whiskey says
What kind of work are you looking for?
Whiskey says : The resume isn't for a specific job, it's for my career counselor. I honestly don't know what work I'm looking for. I'm hoping the career counselor will come up with something that fits my needs. WFH, PT, no telemarketing or sales.
Include your SL experience as a position. It's valid work. List the skills you developed, how long you spent doing it, what innovative things you were responsible for, etc.
Here's a site with tips for including a career break as a position
Yes, You Can Put That Career Break on Your Resume
It's important because it will help to validate the work you did during the time you're seeing as a gap.
Mostly Phen
Applications and software you have used in your work too
Yes! Excellent point.
Even if it's in a non-formatted condition to start with, that's okay. Do it in basic outline form at first, worry about how best to format it later.
heylisa : Yeah, I'm including SL. I'm actually pretty proud of some of what I've done. I've had clients like Warner Brothers and Cisco from back when I did skins and created custom avatars. I'm just not sure how far back I should go and what's considered enough. I know I'll have to adjust according to the job I'm applying for of course but I still want it...
to be as complete as possible for my counselor.
That's a great start. :-) I think anything over 20 years old becomes a bit irrelevant other than perhaps a vague reference to the type of work you did up to a point? I suffer from that as well. I'm no spring chicken! It's one of the reasons I'm so grateful for the job I've been working from home for 20 years now.
Thinking about changing jobs gives me twitchy, heart-racing, short-of-breath anxiety.
heylisa : Well, here's hoping you don't have to ever worry about switching!
It isn't a very ambitious job, and I would definite benefit from better pay, more hours per week, and benefits, but I have accepted that I'm not likely to get it at this point. I probably could use a career advisor. :-P I wish you all the good luck.
I've decided to regard myself as "semi-retired". :-P
heylisa : I'm seeing mine free through my county! Maybe check to see if your state offers that service. Thanks for your suggestions btw
Mostly Phen : will do!
I'm so glad you found this resource!
Mostly Phen
If you did something 20+ years ago, but you're STILL proficient enough to do that today, I would consider it relevant enough to put on your resume if it fits the job you are applying for.
Google is telling me 10-15 years of job experience and 2-4 jobs. I've gone back to 2006 and I'm listing 2 jobs and an internship. I think this should be enough? I didn't have any of my retail jobs for long and there are big breaks too so I think it may hurt more than help. I dunno. Maybe I should just put it all down anyway just to be thorough.
Mostly Phen
I'm more on the business-y side of employment, but see if you can find information about and/or examples of resumes for creative types (artists, designers, marketers, etc.) what they put on their resumes might jog your memory of things you have or can do and could put on your own resume too.
Mostly Phen
Your resume might be a more SKILLS focused resume, and that's ok too. It depends on what job you're applying for.
Mostly Phen
I surf LinkedIn for people in my similar job targets and see how they describe their skills too. Wherever you can find those kinds of things that you might also have picked up from your jobs or experience in what you've done in SL too.
Mostly Phen : thanks!
Mostly Phen
Feel free to tag me to get my attention on specific questions. I'm happy to apply my HR background and knowledge to assist in preparing your resume if I can help out.
Mostly Phen
I wonder if other SL store owners, designers, put that as self-employed or how they put it on a resume.
Mostly Phen
It also helps to know which job positions you are targeting, so you can write your resume to fit those job postings. Like, my job probably wouldn't care about the fact that I plan and execute fabulous parties in SL. LOL! But, if I was applying for an event planner position, they would definitely care.
Mostly Phen : Yeah, part of why I'm trying to be thorough is I figure we'll tailor the resume based on what we settle on for a job for me but right now it could be literally almost anything WFH. Thanks again for the suggestions and offer to help.
Mostly Phen
Yeah, then put ALL the things on there for someone to review and you can cut it as needed when you start applying. :-)
Mostly Phen
best of luck!
nkaru 👁️‍🗨️
I always used a skills-based resume.
skill based resume for sure. You do not need to list every single job at this point in your life. You want to say "here is what I can do" not "here is everything i have ever done in my life" Having solid references is more important than a list
also good luck and let us know how we can support
Chestnut : Thank you, I appreciate that.
We are here for you!!!
Also you have references coming out your ass, anyone who knows you and your work will vouch
SL prepared you to be an actual amazing project manager at least. You got this! You've got skills out the ass.