brave vespaeria
pogo...... add me (i say, in 2024)

brave vespaeria
i am gently squinting at how i spent a dollar of survey credit on coins and immediately it started taking like twice as many throws to catch anything though

oh gross, thats no fun

anyway i started playing again this year too

i. think my phone is dead tho

cœur de lion
damn so close........... i dont pogo but i do the ppikmin game....

brave vespaeria
rar's mom and siblings play it is why i picked it up lmao 😔

brave vespaeria
but i was a shutin in 2016 who could not afford a phone or a data plan so im having a good time

ohh i see

i have like. a job now

and its directly on top of a stop which is why ive picked it back up

i wasnt a shut in in 2016 but also ive never really been within walking distance of a stop until now

brave vespaeria
yeah i lived so in the middle of nowhere that even when i did finally try it for all of five minutes there was just. fuckall around me

mooood. i get that for sure

honestly i was drifting off pogo bc its ALSO way too "having friends" focused and i dont know anyone who plays it

mayhap this will change