I still haven't filled out my resume fully because my parents who said they would refuse to actually help me with it and having to stare at a computer screen alone trying to search deep within myself to find enough of an ability to bullshit finding some work related 'strengths' is too much and fills me with inconsolable shame it makes me feel gross >:C
Man i sure do have skills like uh..
I am sure capable of listening to people when they do speak to me
ara :)
personally I just google a list of good ones and then picked out whichever ones I thought applied to me... which is kind of just copying, but people so rarely look at resumes anyways haha
I want so badly to do that but i am unfortunately plagued with a distaste for 'lying' about things like that so i'm absolutely screwed
it's not really fair for them to say they would help and then not do so, actually it's not fair for them to not help at all...