I think I was taken out this week by the sheer insanity of the news
little prince
You’re fine! What a year this week has been...
little prince
Reposting the stories about the arson attacks on France’s rail system
little prince
Firefighters From Around the World Headed to Canada to Battle Wildfires
Fast-moving fires may have destroyed as much as half of the picturesque town of Jasper, Alberta, and have ravaged Jasper National Park.
A Grinning DM
Netanyahu is mad that Harris dared to mention the huge number of innocent Palestinian casualties in her ceasefire negotiations with him.
Donald Trump Gets No Black Votes vs. Kamala Harris i...
Donald Trump Gets No Black Votes vs. Kamala Harris in New Michigan Poll
e l l e
wow, that supreme court article reads like: "republicans are freaking out and trying to get shit through their conservative court before harris wins"
little prince
Away From the War in Gaza, Another Palestinian Economy Is Wrecked
little prince
Trump tells supporters they won’t have to vote in the future: ‘It’ll be fixed!’
little prince
This is fucking alarming.
A Grinning DM
“You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.”
A Grinning DM
Very normal and not scary at all.
E.S. Levi
Well, that's...that's one way of spinning 'I plan on turning the US into a dictatorship where you have no say in anything', isn't it?
.......thanks for being so open about it I guess?
Oh that is... scary
... I wonder if I could use it to convince my Very Republican family to vote third party (because otherwise they'll vote for Trump because he'll be the Republican nominee)
...I'm morbidly curious how they would justify voting for someone who is explicitly anti-voting as being compatible with (small-r) republican ideals.
welp, my FIL seems to think It's A Good Thing, b/c it was aimed specifically at christians... pretty sure he's in favor of a christian theocracy at this point >.<
......i mean i guess it's preferable for them to admit to it, but
pewpew angels
pewpew angels
like I don't wanna lump all Christians together but I really wish I'd see more often them calling out the ones who are Like This
E.S. Levi
Or making like their prophet and flipping some tables in dens of inequity.
E.S. Levi
Jesus Christ would've run Trump out of the White House with a bullwhip, if the Bible was at all accurate to the kind of person he was.