Ian Elliot
[pets] I finally got a new Betta for the 40g after Orpheus passed
thank u for using 2 t's
Ian Elliot
he's currently acclimating, but he's so pretty https://images.plurk.com/5EUYkLLPSh9q8PYPeCYqsI.jpg https://images.plurk.com/478uwGTbIOwdOV4n3S7pie.jpg
Ian Elliot
can't get over that marble gene like. yall.
Ian Elliot
hm aren't the red base ones dragons?
Ian Elliot
there can be mixes of genes, they get ridiculous when you start stacking and mixing
Ian Elliot
plakat Nemo galaxy might be more accurate...but I would have to look it up.
Ian Elliot
there might be copper in there too it's hard to tell. he looks fully grown but will probably shift a little still, I'll give him a month or two before I make a judgement
Ian Elliot
big boy. my double tail tangerine koi in the 75 is so much smaller and he's about 6 months old now. should definitely be full grown.
I just had a generic black giant plakat for my last several. good boys, made it to 8 for one, other is still swimming at 7
good genes, petco ones lately die after a year..
Ian Elliot
oh my gosh...that's crazy dude.
overseas stock. +_+
Ian Elliot
I've had some issues with the marble/copper gene as it's really popular for obvious reasons. I keep losing from genetic issues
I had that problem with a run of black orchids being bred locally. Beautiful. Would pinecone and die within a day around a year, year and a half.
Ian Elliot
I was importing them and I just kept getting really bad luck. one died from whirling disease and I didn't even realize bettas could get that
tenatively rec blue betta USA, if they're still in business. been. well, 8 years
Ian Elliot
but yeah, the issues usually crop up about a year and then they just die.
Ian Elliot
I got my tangerine koi baby from a breeder in Texas but I'd have to look at the email to give a recommendation.
I've been wanting a solid white halfmoon for.. most of eternity but haven't found a breeder with stable, long lived stock in the US yet
Ian Elliot
the local supplier for both petco and my lfs has been having issues with healthy stock but this boy was too pretty to pass up and he's very healthy...I got him flaring at me and he has like zero tears, no visible issues at all. we'll see how he does.
Ian Elliot
Ian Elliot
that'd be so pretty....
if nothing else, he'll get a really good life for a year.
instead of being someone's vase fish.
Ian Elliot
yeah xD my 2 community tanks are 40g and 75g so I spoil them
mine were in 20g longs.. each. e_e
Ian Elliot
then I have the 150g in the front room for the fancies
i don't think i'm getting more than one now, I like having storage space back
Ian Elliot
good size. makes me happy when I can take them home and give them something nice.
there's a project from a guy in socal, I'll try to find him again, who's breeding back in wild-caught bettas to refresh the bloodlines a bit.
Ian Elliot
yeah, I feel that. I just have a 20g in the garage for a hospital set up when I need it since a 10g is too small for some of the fancies when they need attention.
Ian Elliot
ooooh that is much need3d
Ian Elliot
they're not /as/ fancy, but they're much spunkier fish.
like, brackwater puffer level spunky
Ian Elliot
ahaha little assholes that are very loveable
he brought some for a boston expo I went to right after covid 'ended', extremely feisty
Ian Elliot
awesome <: there are a lot if cool breeders around my area but I think a lot of the people interested in wild betta projects kinda slowed down with the way the market is for them
people don't want the wild look they want the super fancies. which. I do understand
Ian Elliot
I think depending what you're doing though they can look so cool, but definitely as a feature fish the fancies are so much more appealing to a wider audience.
Ian Elliot
ahhh looking at my calico oranda his wen is starting to come in more clearly. I was wondering if his was going to be barely visible forever. not the best stock ever but a pretty boy
i you ever are looking for a decent subreddit to scour, r/aquaswap is pretty reliable and has lots of good stuff.
Ian Elliot
top up day is always great, everyone just comes out and I can get a good look
Ian Elliot
I'll have to look that one up! I'm a member of the greater Seattle aquarium society so there are some super good resources there too
Ian Elliot
Mr. Linguini needs to dig out a bigger hole in the substrate under his log, he's getting big enough he has to wiggle to fit xD
Ian Elliot
I don't get to go to meetings often but the auctions you can find the coolest shit
why am i on the wrong coast qq
Ian Elliot
Come visit I'll take you up from Portland all the way to BC to hit up the best LFS
don't tempt me
Ian Elliot
Ian Elliot
Aquarium Zen and Aquarium Coop are local and awesome, and then there is Wet spot down in Portland. I forget the names of the ones in BC But there are a lot of other smaller places that are great too. I'm spoiled xD
Ian Elliot
He's in the tank now but I'm gonna let him be. If he eats the blue velvet shrimp so be it.
oh what a pretty boy!
Ian Elliot
He's a big boy too! like, practically the size of my thumb
Ian Elliot
I'll take better pictures of him tomorrow since he'll be more acclimated, though he was definitely exploring when I checked in on him after a few hours
oh good! but wow he's a big boy
Ian Elliot
I usually give them a week or so before I name them since shit can always go wrong or they have some kind of problem, but he is in extremely good condition. I had to get some cat food from the big box store today and I normally don't buy fish from there any more but he caught my eye immediately as I walked passed.
Ian Elliot
I couldn't help it
Lady Stardust
such a handsome fish <3