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am i ever going to be not tired and completely drained
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at this point idk if the culprit is burnout, the summer heat and weird humidity, my mattress or some secret other thing
I'm gonna go on a limb here and say the combo
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I've been playing video game until 1am recently too and I have a strong suspicion this is maybe Bad and I should stop
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I ordered a mattress topper... I hope it arrives soon. ready to try sleeping on the couch just to see if changing my surroundings does anything if I can't sleep AGAIN tonight
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I just have no fucking energy to do


except lie on the floor or wander around outside like a stray cat
I feel you as someone else also going through the combo, it's a lot
hoping the mattress topper offers you some relief!!
i feel like vidya late at night has a p big impact on sleep bc it makes the brain meats buzz
dead dog bones
yeaaaaah late night vidya is unfortunately so bad for sleep HAHA
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YEAH I DON'T USUALLY but I've been so unable to do anything else I'm like I guess I'll play game and next thing I know it's Late
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no more games for me.... the peril of vidya
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maybe the solution is eating more salads and going to bed early and you hate to see it
unfortunately that rly is the solution....both simple and extremely difficult all at once
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the worst part is it doesn't even work right away like

you have to KEEP DOING IT
LMAO you do...also if you stop for even one (1) day then ur back to being a blob
i keep a lil list of reminders and things for myself, it has my Treats and Things to Do to keep earning my treats, like im a 5 year old in a classroom but it does work
Spooky Mulder
A question I frequently ask myself too
II will say I have considered myself a night owl for a LONG time but I've recently started going to bed at 11/waking up at 7 and I feel like that (with like 20 mins of yoga a day) has completely changed my energy levels
NOT TO SOUND LIKE A YOGI GURU but maybe a changing in your sleep schedule is needed... plus the mattress obviously
and I don't think physical activity is your issue ;;
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WAKING UP AT 7 WHEEZES you are so strong...... i keep being so exhausted I can't get up until 10 or 11 even if I go to bed at midnight. so I think I must be getting bad sleep?? you're right it's better to have a more consistent schedule though :T I really struggle with that
court ๐Ÿธ
i try to be really good about not gaming past 11:30 myself and that gives me about a half hour to wind down and get ready for bed / fall asleep, which usually works for me?
court ๐Ÿธ
but it does mean you have to be good about like, keeping an eye on things and not blinking and suddenly it's 1am haha
court ๐Ÿธ
with ffxiv it's nice bc there's an in-game clock lmfao
believe me I have not been strong for years... but literally like in the last fourish weeks I've been doing this and feel so much better lmao
I did have to use melatonin for a few days to start getting sleepier earlier but the brain sort of took over after
also yeah I go to bed and just read on my kindle for 30 mins to an hour
court ๐Ÿธ
oh yeah reading in bed is a good thing if you have a hard time falling asleep... i tend to just scroll tumblr or something for 10-15 mins and then pass out but everyone's brains are different wrt winding down for sleep i feel like
i personally tag in bed bc it feels like journaling to me but is still something engaging (and productive) that my brain gets to do, but yeah....also, i think if you're losing track of time its rly important to start like. setting regular alarms to keep you on track
i actually have Shame Lights, which is all the smart lights in my living room turn off at a set time and it plunges me into darkness....telling me its time for bed. but an alarm works just as well lmao
I too have Shame Alarms
obviously work and life stress impacts a lot as well but... those things we can't always control so at least sleep, food, is stuff you can take control of
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to be clear I've only been playing game at night for about a week and I rarely do so otherwise

i've just been cranky about not being in the mood for anything else so indulging. usually I try to go to bed around midnight, play my little nyt games with my phone on nighttime setting, and listen to podcast
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i like tagging in bed but i get carried away and stay up too late haha! maybe i can try... doing it earlier....
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how do you.... actually pay attention to them...... whenever i have alarms for things i either snooze them, get mad and aggressively want to do something else, or don't notice
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i don't know how to trick my brain into liking lists and schedules
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i am so viscerally opposed to them...
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sorry I know this sounds like rejecting your advice, that's not what i mean to do, i just mean like i've tried doing these things without success so I'm wondering how to approach it differently
I put my phone across the room so I have to get up to turn it off
I don't... personally fight my alarms tho...
I mean this in the most understanding way but it sounds like you don't like being told what to do
WHICH I UNDERSTAND I am the same way, I just had to force myself to... listen to myself
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no it's very true and i know this about myself

i don't like being told what to do EVEN WHEN I, MYSELF, TELL MYSELF TO DO IT
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i wasn't made to work and have a schedule i was made to frolic in the forest and be free
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anyway.... THANK YOU... i ordered that cooling blanket also and i hope it will help :T
I mean it when I had to FIGHT myself to start listening to myself... it makes me sound insane
I've started chanting outloud "this does not behoove you" when I'm doing something I know I shouldn't, like procrastinating or indulging in brain drain on social media
I hope the blanket helps a lot!!!
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BEHOOVE..... i love that actually lmaooo
honestly I think saying out loud really helps SLDJGSD it's so stupid but
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im also sorry we are the same... in this.... it's stupid. what an evolutionary pitfall, being unable to listen to yourself
my brain is like "oh no we're being cringe.... let's just go do the thing"
it's so stupid
I truly buy into this theory I read that because modern life is (relatively) so much easier than before the brain invents problems because it doesn't need to focus on surviving
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we gotta calm down... there are no problems...... stop inventing them
LMAO yeah i was gonna say like. at a certain point you just have to literally do the thing...or like. search for techniques/help on how to Do The Thing bc at the end of the day the only one who can do the thing is. you. as terrible as that is.
i cannot speak for other ppl, its just literally a case of training the brain for me, but i know everyone is different and needs different things to get on track
that said, if ur just not a list/alarm person bc it tells you what to do, maybe like. accomplishment-focused list, which is the opposite of a to-do list (its a "i have done this" list). so when u do a Thing, you write it down. and maybe you get a little Treat if you do enough things. like filling out a quest book.
maybe u can even turn it into a bingo card
bingo card challenge with ur roommates
(ur not doing tasks bc its telling you to, you're doing it so you can be the undefeated champion)
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แดกแดสŸา“. : yeah unfortunately the only one who can do it is me and that's terrible!!

HMMMM writing a thing down after I do it is a good idea actually it's how I tricked myself into using a planner (I just don't actually. plan in it. I just use it as a journal mostly after the fact)
sometimes i think after the fact isn't bad esp if some of your burnout is centered around feeling like you're not rly accomplishing anything
sometimes like. seeing that we've accomplished a task makes you want to. accomplish another task
as dumb as that sounds
its why i do thread trackers tbh
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I have to figure out how to trick myself into thinking I like a thing. like I did with exercise.
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that's a good point ... I was writing down what I did every day for a while but then I felt really overwhelmed and stopped

I can try to hit just uh some highlights I guess
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I find making long lists tedious and I couldn't keep up with a thread tracker but doing the little "I did a tag" links in plurk is usually good
yeah i think like. not going too hard w/ it but just jotting down some broad categories or smthng
JUST as a suggestion, i don't know how valuable my advice is bc you and i are a lil on the opposite spectrum of how we attempt not to become Blob
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I think part of the struggle with work is that it's all emails and task lists all the time non-stop. I can never feel like I completed something because it's always new things all the time. so I've been feeling just

tbh i do dumb tricks, like, i mark certain tags in my inbox as "read" just so my inbox doesn't look so big, and then i narrow down like. what i actually want to accomplish JUST in that hour/day. instead of staring at the endless void of things to do
and then i unmark them bit...by bit....and it does help, like just visually seeing the number of things i have to do go down (even if it didn't REALLY go down)
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I do have automatic filters set up for rp and sometimes I snooze things for that reason. with work unfortunately it's just not possible to keep everything that separate. the fact is we simply need more people but... laughs in capitalism
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I'm trying to clear out as much as I can this week. it's piled up SO MUCH since I was basically working on con stuff only for about a month. so now it's... a months worth of catch-up plus all the stuff that comes in regularly anyway, it's a nightmare
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anyway this is just getting into the usual work complain SIGH

I'll try... making some changes where I can. I wish I was more inclined to wanting structure instead of being a natural chaos gremlin but I must. force it.
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I also FINALLY signed up for personal training (sort of, it's small groups but they said it's usually like 2-3 people and it's still pretty individualized) SO that'll force me to be consistent at least for one thing
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I'm determined to catch up on my late assignments at work today and either do them or reschedule

if it takes me all night at least I'll be free tomorrow with a normal task list
Habitica - Gamify Your Life

I used to use this, formerly Habit RPG, idk if it's still any good (I also don't know if the mobile and desktop versions sync) but like, you leveled up you character as you accomplished tasks with like habits/dailies/to-do
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hmm... interesting... i'll see if there's an app, thanks
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lmao i sent a bunch of very annoyed emails to my boss about how i simply cannot do all the things that need to be done and we don't have enough resources to accomplish whatever goals he wants for next year
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maybe i'll regret it later but honestly i'm fucking done
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i can't tiptoe politely around the subject anymore
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they need to hire more fucking people, full stop
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they want us to produce more and more stuff and increase our output while not actually providing any support????? how the fuck does that even work, bro
four eels
there's an app for habitica! i think for iphone AND android (i know there's one for android, i've used it)
four eels
i used it for a long while and i should get back into it honestly. not only is it good for solo, you can add real life friends and tackle "boss fights" together
four eels
i used to use that with friends when we'd do spring cleaning, and it definitely helped ease the pain of doing a cleaning marathon just because it was like "no i must do more damage to the boss"
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thanks for the confirmation! I'll check it out
four eels
for very general to-do lists where i feel paralyzed by choice i like to use wheel of names
four eels
i choose not, i simply submit to the wheel
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ok..... time to sleep. on time.
I did so much work
tomorrow I'll try to tag
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alas the training session today didn't work out.... but I was already at the gym so I did something else

and I even went Outside to see the Sun this morning :T
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trying to get out of bed more consistently around the same time
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me congratulating myself for doing it two (2) days in a row lol
two days is still a start!!
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still struggling with Bed Woes. the mattress topper was absolutely horrendous how does this thing have 4.5 stars lol

I'm returning it....
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I got so little sleep last night gnnbghhffffjj
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the cooling blanket is, however, very nice so thank you for the rec ส™แด€ส€แด….
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sad because I wanted to tag and relax today but I've been zoning out, tired of not sleeping and also very tired of politics so idk

did some journaling. had a nutritious lunch. going for a walk now. doing my best with what I've got
I' mso glad it's working!!!
well... helping at least
noooo sorry about the topper
@ on discord!
oh noooo
@ on discord!
to be fair to you, the whole 9-5 thing with work puts a lot of expectation on when Everyone should go to bed but like... circadian rhythms don't work that way?
@ on discord!
not everyone can sleep and wake up at the same time and feel refreshed
@ on discord!
circadians rhythms are as unique as fingerprints
@ on discord!
like i need a solid 9 hours of sleep to feel good even though all sleep experts are whatever are like YOU NEED 8 and i know people who are good on 7
@ on discord!
sure wish we lived in a society that allowed people to sleep when they wanna and can >:V
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I'm lucky that my work schedule is usually very flexible at least. i don't struggle getting enough sleep due to schedule reasons. it's just been

"the mental health" I think. plus the bed but I am going to think about how to address that soon :T
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I am SO glad not to have a job where I have to wake up early consistently though thank fuck. I have done that before and got so little sleep and it was awful
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my natural rhythm is absolutely on the evening/night end of the spectrum so truly i was dying attempting the 9-5

if I decide to change jobs down the line, being able to wfh and set my own hours a majority of the time will be non negotiable
@ on discord!
yeah i definitely fall asleep later at night than most
@ on discord!
like my mom is just OUT at 9pm
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ส™แด€ส€แด…. : it is helping and also cute... I bought a small one and kinda wish I got a bigger one tho HAHA. maybe I'll end up with another if I use it though. seems kinda a pain to wash tho since you have to air dry it
@ on discord!
and i'm like how tf do you do that
@ on discord!
and she'd get up at 5AM to GO ON A RUN???? insane. not human. an alien gave birth to me
@ on discord!
earliest i can manage is midnight
@ on discord!
MAYBE 11 if i've had a really really busy day
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@ on discord! : yeah some people just. do that. and like doing that! I feel you completely tho lmao
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I have to force myself very intentionally to go to bed and wind down at around midnight or I can easily be up until 3
@ on discord!
i have watched the sun rise recently more days than i would feel comfortable admitting 8-);;;;
@ on discord!
no stupid nerd emoji SOB
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I'm TRYING to be more consistent about waking up at my earliest tolerable time of about 9 because I don't actually like getting home at 8pm but it also takes me an hour+ to fall asleep so
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how do people simply fall asleep it's a mystery to me
i've never been able to either, my dad can also just shut his eyes and be out in like 5 minutes or less and that sure skipped me
i will say that since getting a sunrise alarm clock that also has a sunset function to help wind down it's made a huge difference in me being able to fall asleep, i have it set to 45 minutes where it starts at full light and gradually gets darker until turning off
i usually read for about 20-30 minutes but by the time the light turns off i'm usually asleep which is a miracle since i also usually just roll around for an hour thinking about how i'm not sleeping
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๐š๐ซ๐›๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐š : yes! we got one of those fairly recently and I love the wind down sunset function. the sunrise is useless and doesn't wake me up even a little bit but the sunset has made the go to bed routine better for sure
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I like playing a crossword until I get sleepy but then I have to put on a podcast because if I am in silence I wake up again because the Thoughts come lol
yeah I have the super big one... it doesn't take TOO long to air dry, just 4 to 5 hours I guess
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oh that's good! yeah I guess it's pretty thin
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wheezes I couldn't get out of bed until 11 and now I've worked until 8 and I'm

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and my car won't be ready to pick up until Friday!!!! even though they told me it would be ready today!!!!!!!!!
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I don't have time to figure out a new bed situation this month. maybe I'll get some sleep next month. lol