The King's message to The England Football Team foll... "If I may encourage you to secure victory before the need for any last minute wonder-goals or another penalties drama, I am sure the stresses on the nation’s collective heart rate and blood pressure would be greatly alleviated!" 爆笑wwwwww
宿舍職員小哥在大廳播放比賽, 但基本上只有我全程坐着跟他一起看XDDDD
完場的時候有另一位英國人來看, 他覺得決賽是西班牙加時2-1贏orz
一兩年前英格蘭對西班牙時,我有位西班牙混血的同事跟另一位同事去酒吧看波,她是全場唯一支持西班牙,我們都很慶幸她可以活著走出來。wwwwww 不知道這次決賽她會不會這樣做了wwww
"If I may encourage you to secure victory before the need for any last minute wonder-goals or another penalties drama, I am sure the stresses on the nation’s collective heart rate and blood pressure would be greatly alleviated!"