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oh that was. That was not a good night. I think I might have gotten two or three brokenhours all told.
ETA also
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I haven’t had insomnia like that in years I hope that isn’t a side effect of the new meds
whuff, fingers crossed that if it is it passes soon
any other name
I dreamed that I woke up from sleeping poorly and dreaming that I was late for high school and then I went in to work and they’d built a new store that was connected to a Chicos and it was bigger and busier so we needed more staff at once so like every employee was there? All how many of us are there like seven?
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Also I think a girl I went to elementary and middle school with was there
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And I was trying to do locates but they had changed the entire computer system and it was way worse and I was like I watched the training about this why can’t I work it and I’m usually the one good at tech so I didn’t want to look anything up and everyone was watching me
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And I got to work at my scheduled time at 9:15 which is in fact when I have to go in today but the store was already open and all my coworkers were already there so I felt like I was late
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Also my dad drove my to work in a car with also my mom and they argued the whole way and we passed two steakhouses where there were spikes with steaks on them just outside in the yard and there was a reason but I’ve forgotten it
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There was also a section where I was at a theme park and I got lost in this fucking maze-ass area that was only lit with blacklights and was full of balloons and drunk people and me and a few other people were in a dead end and then we saw what we somehow knew was the back door of an employee bathroom
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And we were like okay but if we go through there we’ll come out the front door somewhere else
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So we did but the somewhere else ended up being this like red brick sort of amphitheater shaped thing all stairs and we were surreptitiously trying to find our way back into the park before we got in trouble
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And then there was a guy yelling at a girl not to eat the flavored erasers they weren’t food they were a joke
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And there were also flavored rubber masks like n95 type masks and he was trying to tell people not to use them because children had kept eating them
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And I took one and put it on and the rubber sealed really well on my face and I guess I could fuckin breathe through it
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So I started trying to find a way out back into the guest areas or just out of the park and I finally started heading towards a parking lot and these three little girls aged like 6-14 caught up with me and were like why are you leaving us without saying goodbye because I guess now we’d been working together to get out
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So I gave them hugs and I was like I can’t give them my real contact information that’s bad internet safety and I was like it’s a pity in another era of the internet I could have given you my blog and we could have stayed in touch like that and the oldest one nodded in understanding
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And then YES IT KEEPS GOING we kept going trying to find the parking lot and ended up in the woods and we passed a man with a tree growing through him and out of his face and the oldest girl said it was the dad of one of her classmates who used to be like a trail... something... like a professional leads people on hikes there was a name for it
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And he had had like a close relationship of some kind with this one tree but it. Betrayed him? And started growing into him? And now he was stuck like that and maybe still alive?
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So we were trying to avoid the branches spread everywhere of that tree and to get to downtown so we could catch a bus
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And then my alarm went off and I woke up with the thought “I haven’t got autism I dissolved it with the [forgot the last word already but it made no sense]”
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lol my Fitbit thinks I got six hours of sleep. No I was not asleep I was just lying there awake wishing I was asleep and periodically checking the time
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I think there was also a section in my childhood bedroom trying to find an outfit to go to high school in. In the dream within the dream
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Pulls medication information out of the recycling. …well it says “strange or odd dreams” are a potential side effect of propranolol
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Doesn’t list insomnia tho
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Lists feeling sleepy, actually
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I think I finally got to sleep at like. Six or six thirty. Alarm was at eight.
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Oh I feel very bad
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I’m gonna. Ask my closing associate to come in early so I can go home. I don’t think I’m going to be much use today. I feel bad leaving my worst associate on a Friday but. I am dizzy with exhaustion
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I just forgot which direction doors unlock in so. It’s going well.
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I love that I express concern when my coworker is feeling unwell but she doesn’t care at all when I am
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And she just got annoyed at me for asking her to do something differently and I have. Hid in a corner to burst into tears
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Gotta stop crying it’s time to unlock the doors
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I can’t go get a tissue without coming close enough for her to notice that I’m crying ugh
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And Amanda is reorganizing all the panties
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Dunno what the point of me is
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I am so glad I called Melanie in early. Three hours until she gets here. I would not be able to handle a full shift I’m a wreck
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Two more hours. And fifteen minutes.
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Every time I stand up I get so dizzy I nearly collapse so that bodes ill for my blood pressure
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I ordered a monitor that should be delivered today so I can see what that’s doing
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Finally fuckin caved it’s okay been well over a decade since my father fucking stole mine that I bought with my own money
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I got it off woot on a really good sale for $15 and I have resented ever since that I’d have to spend more to replace it
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I am so dizzy
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Once I have the chance to test my BP standing and sitting and standing up from sitting I will be shooting my PCP a message about whether I should continue this med
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It will be kind of darkly funny if it essentially just gave me POTS after all my years of fighting to keep my blood pressure up
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Googled and insomnia is absolutely a side effect. Between that and how bad the blood pressure effect was I do not think I should take any further doses of that tbh
yeah that. sounds bad
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I tried to take a nap when I got home from work and it did not work because the morning dose made me physically incapable of sleep again
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I think I am in fact developing a migraine from sleep dep which is directly counterproductive to the point of taking the damn thing