Oh, dang, Victory Road takes OCs now??? Back when it was Route (it...it WAS route back in the day, right?) they didn't. I'm kinda considering apping after song ends.
I really had no business playing Puzzlette in Route; she has next to no canon background and now that I've been RPing for a while, I'm surprised the mods allowed me to play her.

Would I app Pauline? Probably.

I've been playing her for a LONG time and she's the character I'm most comfortable playing. But I wonder if other people find it weird?
I love playing Pauline, but I always worry that people think it's weird that I've been playing an OC for so long across so many games. But she's a fun character to play and she's really changed as a character since I had her in Luceti. I think she's a lot smarter now and just underestimates her own intelligence.
I'd like to play canon characters again, maybe, but TBH I haven't felt comfortable playing canon characters in a really long time because of reasons (nothing major!)
On a different note, I'm kind of looking at maybe apping Sigyl to Caldera after song ends. I'll have to see how I feel about it. Will probably just stick to memes for a while to get a stronger voice for him.