Consumers who pre-ordered "Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition", please check your email inbox for the notice. In order to protect your rights and interests, please read and confirm all the rules and instructions of onsite pickup and damage replacement for the Autograph Edition in the notice email.
The strip of the book box should marked as "Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition", please check the strip and all the bonus gifts before leaving the booth or the site, we would not re-gift the missing or damaged ones after that.
(As for the merchandise and bonus gifts that packed inside the book box, we could only resend and/or replace the missing or damaged ones after examine the unboxing video of the original package. Please follow the instructions below.)
✦ 書籍及書盒內之商(贈)品瑕疵換貨,須請購買人提供全程錄影開箱影片及照片,並以電子郵件寄至客服信箱。 For book and merchandise(bonus gifts) damage replacement, please email unedited unboxing video and pictures of the damage goods to us at
NOTICE: The unboxing video should include the entire process, start before opening the shrink-wrap of the book box, and make clear shots of the box strip and the Interstellar sticker on the book spine.
If the unboxing video did not meet the requirements above, or the footage was edited, on and off, with missing parts, blurry, etc., then we would not provide replacement.
✦ 經本公司客服人員確認來信所附全程開箱影片及照片,所拍攝商品屬本公司出售且具有瑕疵。本公司客服人員會以電子郵件回覆確認,購買人收到確認信函後,始符換貨規定。 After examine the unboxing video and the picture, confirm that the Autograph Edition was purchased directly from Interstellar Publishing and indeed with damage, we will reply the email with confirmation, then proceed with the replacement.
✦ 如符合瑕疵退換標準,須請購買人於收受本公司確認為瑕疵書籍之電子郵件信函後,十五日內透過中華郵政之「郵局便利2號包(袋)」郵寄寄回瑕疵書籍。如購買人以其他方式寄送,恕不符換貨規定,且所衍生費用由購買人負擔。 Please mail back the damaged book in 15 days after receiving the confirmation email.
✦ 購買人所寄回之換貨商品內容,必須與前述購買人以電子郵件所寄「商品全程錄影開箱影片及照片狀態一致」,如所寄回換貨商品有其他購買人後續使用商品痕跡、筆記、塗鴉、破壞等,恕不符換貨規定,且所衍生費用由購買人負擔。 The damaged book that we received should stay in exactly the same state with the unboxing video and the pictures, otherwise we would not provide replacement.
✦.全知讀者視角 전지적 독자 시점
✦.深空公告:展場限定完結紀念簽名特裝版 注意事項已寄出
ORV 전독시 독자 전지적
In order to protect your rights and interests, please read and confirm all the rules and instructions of onsite pickup and damage replacement for the Autograph Edition in the notice email.
【簽名書籍瑕疵退換相關規定】Damage Replacement for Autograph Book
For book and merchandise(bonus gifts) damage replacement, please email unedited unboxing video and pictures of the damage goods to us at
After examine the unboxing video and the picture, confirm that the Autograph Edition was purchased directly from Interstellar Publishing and indeed with damage, we will reply the email with confirmation, then proceed with the replacement.
Please mail back the damaged book in 15 days after receiving the confirmation email.
The damaged book that we received should stay in exactly the same state with the unboxing video and the pictures, otherwise we would not provide replacement.
Mailing address: 7F-5, No. 57, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Mail Attachment: Order number, receipt number, oderer name, address information, phone number, shipping costs provement.