ish? Plotting ish too. Character CR. In memes and/or seasons. I wanna start plotting out general directions we want our characters to go in.
expired milk
tosses a slightly dim giraffe in your direction
This is for all my characters.
expired milk
wait maybe dim is not the right adjective given the sparkling habit --
expired milk : Rinku. Yes. So Paulo and Rinku going on at least one date sounds fun and cute to me. Like not sure I ship them but just something with them being cute and talking romance. Maybe checking out cute girls and guys together.
humans : Evangeline. Okay. which character shall we discuss cause you got your hands in all my characters. lol. Or I guess, which do we start with?
you clearly play too many hot nonhumans
SWEET POTATO : Russell and MK being friends, even if it's one sided, is something I really want. Ever since Kantera told MK about Russell, MK just wants to help so bad.
humans : I mean, I am a furry so yes.
how about lucy first
expired milk
They should, they deserve to have fun. And Rinku needs somebody to talk about this stuff, other than Evangeline whom she already asks about a lot of things but sometimes wonders if she should or if it's awkward to.
humans : Lucifer and Evangeline. Well depending on how this talk with Charlie goes, there may be a hiatus on their benefits. Not sure. Lucifer will do anything Charlie asks, including give up sex for a bit. At least for the reputation of the hotel. To start. But I think it wouldn't last. I do want them to sit down and talk more.
evangeline will support him in whatever he wants to do! but even if they stop banging for a while she'l definitely want to keep chatting and being friends
Especially after the hotel opens, doing that post tomorrow, if she wants to try and better her human interactions and stuff.
expired milk : Paulo is here to talk relationships and stuff. And maybe open up about actually believing he's unloveable and why.
expired milk
With how he hasn't judged her (or at least she thinks he hasn't) she's glad to.
He can't judge her honest. She reminds him of a friend of his, only without the self confidence issues. Which he appreciates a lot.
Russell actually does sorta like making friends, he just doesn’t think he deserves any (dance_okok) so it might be unbalanced outwardly at first (especially if he finds out Kantera has told MK about him which would be both 1. Good because Kantera has good taste and thusly this guy can be trusted but also 2. Bad because “how much does he know...”)
but I’m sure in time it’ll be more openly reciprocated.
I’m all about surrounding Russell with positive influences.
MK is mostly a positive influence. Mostly. He'll sacrifice himself for his friends. Like 100% but yeah! Mostly good. And Kantera told MK everything.
well not EVERYTHING everything
Okay but MK thinks it is everthing.
but he does know about the dream and that russell killed Original Kantera
Yep yep
expired milk
DWRP has a habit of infantilizing moe anime girls so I'm always really glad to have CR that just Understands (even if Rinku is still a little stupid)
expired milk : True. I'm trying to treat Rinku with my characters as she's clearly innocent in a way that most of them either appreciate or just don't really understand. And in Paulo and Shadow's case, wants to protect
expired milk
She's also Very worried after having to defend MK on her own, this poor guy and his trauma.
SWEET POTATO : Oh dear. I can't wait for MK to learn more.
expired milk : I can't wait for more of that thread too unless we wanna handwave it. But yes. His trauma extreme
illicit sprinkl
illicit sprinkl : Me staring at MK and Korone's bruised, shattered, and broke CR.

I mean...this is gonna need a lot of glue. And time. Or we can make something new out of it and see what happens.

Like, I would love it if they don't become actual friends that they become like these pseudo-buddies they can go to to like hear blunt truths or something.
Because they have this tension it's like, well can't get any worse. Just be fucking honest with each other here 100% and we agree that that's our thing. Full honesty since doubt and lies kinda broke us both and we never wanna go back there ever again, no thnx 0 stars.
illicit sprinkl
laughs and laughs
Like I do want them to be friends. I really do. I just have no freaking clue HOW it's going to go since these two keep surprising us and derailing our CR plans anyway.
illicit sprinkl
I admittedly would enjoy it a lot if they figured out actual friendship (there's a lot of capacity for it on her side) but I'm also down for seeing wherever the heck they go
illicit sprinkl
illicit sprinkl
they're so similar in so many ways they don't so much... butt heads? as accidentally trip all over each other and go careening off course
Yeah pretty much. They're two people trying to walk together but like wanna walk in the same spot at the same time, going through the same door, while carrying luggage and just fall and it flies everywhere, and it is a mess
Okay. Evangeline making Porty go on an apology tour is a hilarious thought. Because if it's soon after everything, his apologies gonna be so cheap and just shudder shades in a wine and cheese baskets.
"do you actually understand why what you did was wrong." "yeah totally please don't pop me-"
"I uh...should have thrown a week long festival where people could come and go instead?"
"...I mean yeah that would've been better, it's the going part that's important here."
"Oh right. That whole...imprisonment thing. Is...bad?"
"It's bad."
illicit sprinkl
I think that might be more it on MK's side than Korone's, like. (thinking) He got this idea of her in his head that he needs to deconstruct so he can see past it, if he wants to, and they're both tripping over that. On Korone's side it's burned trust/hope = "what the fuck is happen"
climbs in to whisper movie night
hypemachine. : Yes Movie night. humans Deria Is there a log for that up already?
GENERAL CONTINUING TO FRIENDSHIP TOO, though. I need to pick stuff up but Eve's going to ask if there's any way she can return the favor of MK listening to her making unhappy noises about her brain/offer to listen while he makes unhappy noises about his
Awww. MK will appreciate that because yeah. Lots of unhappy noises. Especially after Canon update oh boi
not a group one yet, we could pop something on eve's catch-all
illicit sprinkl
part of me wants to suggest tossing them at each other in a situation they can't immediately backpedal from but PROBABLY IN THE FIRST INSTANCE they should just. actually. talk.
illicit sprinkl : MK is working on taking Korone off that pedestal.
I am down for them being stuck somewhere and having to talk.
illicit sprinkl
Possibly the talking should be voluntary but YES, let these dumbasses do their rubesty
Tsumi : No log yet. My brain's been shot.
illicit sprinkl
oh what if. what if somehow involuntary memshare sometime
yeah feel free to use Eve's catch-all for movie night if you want! No rush on that
illicit sprinkl : ...Hmmmm. /looks at the scroll of memories/
Lҽɳα ɘꙅɿɘvᴎI
Lҽɳα ɘꙅɿɘvᴎI : Oh Macaque and Saya. So much CR I want for these two characters. So so much. Okay. Gonna have to do multiple blocks here. Here we go.
MK and Macaque: I want them to get closer. To trust each other more. To get to a better nice good place for their relationship. Or well better place. Because they want to make each other happy and I want them to finally be confident they are making each other feel safe. Also bonding over weird chaos things. Because CHAOS
Lҽɳα ɘꙅɿɘvᴎI
chaos, "chaos" and ???
MK/Porty and Saya: Porty redemption arc. I do want him to not be out as his own person in the end. But him being a happy clone who does get to have fun and no resent MK and be honest with Saya about how he does feel about her and why he wanted to be her Chavalier. Because it is sweet and I'm leaving it as a surprise for now.
Lucifer and Macaque: I want them to meet. I wanna see how these two theatre kids get along. Because hanging out with Lucifer means surprise song numbers in real life and I think Macaque could use that levity in his life.
Lucifer and Saya: More time together and being closer friends. Because I love their dynamics so far and seeing how that goes sounds wonderful. More music too. I do want to see them be good friends. Not sure where else from there but it is what I wanna see.
Lҽɳα ɘꙅɿɘvᴎI
Do we still want Paulo and Saya to have more threads I think we talked about that at some point
Sorry, work exploded.

Paulo and Saya: Yes. I do want them to have more threads together. They are cute and I wanna expand that CR. Paulo needs to hang out with more badass women and Saya is the most badass of all.
Plus the boy has loveable issues and I know Saya can relate to those. And her wisdom would be good for him to hear.