Feeling Dwarfy
god okay. Ducks. Row. wtf am I doing for this
Feeling Dwarfy
I think both of my guys are gonna be more active on the actual attack
Feeling Dwarfy
But I should do SOMETHING
Feeling Dwarfy
I think Ziel is going to sleep through as much of the preparation phase as he can
Feeling Dwarfy
His argument is “I need to save my energy for when it’s important”
Feeling Dwarfy
So it’ll be up to Marcille to be the accurate one
Feeling Dwarfy
Feeling Dwarfy
Accurate wtf
I know Rezo needs help making sleeping gas
Feeling Dwarfy
She could probably do that
Feeling Dwarfy
And then maybe also hanging out with Senshi and/or Laios trying to be generally helpful
Feeling Dwarfy
But not being great at it because she grew up not needing to do things like milking cows
Feeling Dwarfy
Feeling Dwarfy
cute thing I thought of: one of the Flotsam people, Nephnee, has never had ice cream. Since we're milking cows and Molecular Gastronomy is a vault thing, maybe Senshi can suggest Marcille make some?
if ice cream is a plate of Green Eggs and Ham to her all the better but I doubt it
it seems like it would be a Prestige Food in the Empire
Feeling Dwarfy
I think like ice cream might be something she’d normally love
Feeling Dwarfy
But perhaps not quite as much after her first experience milking a cow
Feeling Dwarfy
Her favorite frozen treat and all she can think about is squeezing udders into a bucket
Feeling Dwarfy
Hazard Kitten
basically the creamy version of 'never ask what goes into a hot dog'
See, the problem with volunteering Marcille for the sleeping gas mission is that she then can't be subjected to the cow experience because they take place in different locations at around the same time.
Anyway the sleeping gas is the more practical option (we have enough people gathering supplies that we don't really need more) but the idea of Laios teaching Marcille to wash manure off a cow's udder before milking it is delightful.
Rynet_iii : agreed. another time?
Feeling Dwarfy
I could also have Ziel roped into helping Rezo against his will
Rezo could test the sleeping gas on Ziel. Man probably needs a nap.
Feeling Dwarfy
The man does not need more naps he takes too many naps as is
Feeling Dwarfy
Force him to stay awake