i think i want to give up and never draw again
drew one thing for artfight and i immediately want to delete it and delete my artfight account and never draw again
i cannot draw anything right now and i hate what i drew so badly its making me actually feel violent
i've like. ACTUALLY degraded in art. my art from years ago is far better than anything i can make nowadays and thats just insane to me
I know its frustrating but art skills aren't linear and it's okay to be at varying levels, life happens but it's not forever. just take a break for now and do something calming : (
artfight only lasts a month
artfight will always be there. its okay if youre not in the space to participate thisyear
if it makes u feel any better, i am a newer artist who was really excited to do artfight for the first time but cant participate due to irl time constraints. we have time after artfight. artfight sounds so fun but its not the end all be all for creating