I forgot how... ugly DBD can get via soloq...
If you have to a- slug at 5 gens, b- tunnel someone while also proxy camping, or c-hold the game hostage, or d-all of the above, to get your 4k, you should find a different game to play because you do not have the skills to actually play dbd
also the sandbagging is terrible today like wtf
the first game I had? Ghostface proxy camped and tunneled and it was 3v1 because dwight only moved from locker to locker
killers bringing fuck your gens builds but slugging at five gens - how is that fun for you? you don't get to use your build at all and no one really gets to play. all the stuff you can do in this game and you get to be a boring sweat.
anyways soloq is terrible as usual and i will probably not get this stupid challenge done