Oxygen Venus
ROBLOX, your opinion? should kids play it? gaming
my kid plays it with supervision. any game where kids are interacting with strangers should be strictly supervised
Sometimes Bacon
while there is a lot of moderation, i agree, anything your kids do online should be supervised
Sometimes Bacon
i know plenty of adults, including my 17yr old that play. not in a creepy way. you just never know who you're interacting with.
Jay Giano
There are people who target children in online games. If I had a child, I wouldn't necessarily stop them from going online, as they will find a way. I would educate them about the dangers and the importance of being cautious.. and that goes for anything online related.
I don’t think anyone under the age of 13 should be online video gaming. And I think 13-18 with adult permission and consent with a reporting feature for parents to see their entire kids chat logs/message history/etc.