morphin time
[X-Men] So Evolution was the one series I never watched consistently, I sat down tonight to watch a little and...
morphin time
morphin time
Wolverine's costume has cutouts??????
space catboy 大変
morphin time
morphin time
this may be the cuntiest costume Logan has ever worn, thank you cartoons
space catboy 大変
x-men evolution was like. really good for its time
morphin time
I also think Sabertooth's has cutouts on the side too which is even funnier
space catboy 大変
i haven't watched it in a bit admittedly but i remember really enjoying it
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it's very 2000s but the second episode was actually very good, and it's not a terribly long series so I think I can get through this before too long
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morphin time
by ep 3 he has two different motorcycles and is dressed up as a ninja, I can't with this show already
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it's like you HAVE to know that Wolverine is the coolest character RIGHT AWAY
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tbh I really like how they're introducing new people in these earlier episodes... I was worried the Blob one would be bad but they do a good job of showing his personality is a huge part of his problem
morphin time what if I just make this thread my liveblog of Logan being a dork
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like what does this line even MEAN
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does he just think every teenage boy goes through a phase where he craves revenge upon his enemies???
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it's interesting that the basic layout of the mansion is still what it is in the comics more or less but the interiors are WAY richer than it's usually portrayed. also Xavier rolled up in a Rolls Royce looking car in the first episode
morphin time I love that he dressed up to hang out at the pool with the kids
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this gag with Spyke just downing a whole pile of little milk cartons is pretty funny
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wh... what kind of high school sends students on a spelunking field trip?? another good gag with telling everyone to leave their gameboys at home tho
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finished Season 1, I thought the ending was going to be a full ass anime tournament and was slightly disappointed ... I wasn't super fond of the uh. weird bara transformation Scott and Alex had but at least it was extremely temporary
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morphin time
what the Brotherhood house looks like vs what Mystique's room looks like nearly took me out
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getting a slow start on Season 2... I honestly... don't think Boom-Boom joining the Brotherhood works narratively? like girl you just rejected your criminal dad and then decided to join the group that was trying to steal the money from you both after you grabbed it???
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I guess this is going somewhere but she has no reason to like these guys other than the fact that they also have looser morals
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where'd you learn those moves....
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I'm not entirely sure I like the whole 'Hank has an inner bestial nature' angle but it sure ended in some cool-ass fight scenes
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Not quite done with S2 yet, I am DEF not a fan of Hank having the bestial instincts -_- the Bigfoot ep was fun but that aspect wasn't needed?? it goes against Hank's whole concept imho
morphin time 🧐
morphin time
.... how the fuck did Logan smell a helicopter above him lmao
sniffing intensifies
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I had already seen the clip at the end of the Cap episode but the rest of it was pretty interesting, though ngl Cap and Logan being the ones who saved Magneto as a kid was really.... something lmao
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I do generally like the episode plots a lot but otherwise they made a couple of odd choices here and there
Yeahhh there's a bit of a mixed bag of decisions lol
morphin time
the writing is very strong though! it makes up for it
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WOW S3 starts out swinging
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The ep with Scott getting stranded in Mexico without his glasses was REALLY good, goddamn
Yes! I love how Mystique is That Petty
And Logan's talk with Scott at the beginning of that one is one of the funniest moments
morphin time
It's such a brilliant way to handle a revenge plot for a preteen demographic... and yeah Logan talking about a beautiful motorcycle nearly took me tf out
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Men? Women? No he wants to ride the open road
lolol yes. Also a funny (and also necessary of course given their ages) contrast to the usual love triangle nonsense
morphin time
Totally, it's refreshing that he’s just not involved whatsoever
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Binged a chunk of the show last night and now I only have 4 or 5 eps left ... I can’t say I really like the Apocalypse finale BUT this show's willingness to have the bad guy teams work together with the protags is always a treat
Yeah I feel that, the finale is pretty lacking but the team-up aspect is fun
morphin time
Kitty/Dani is Real and you can't convince me otherwise
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Finished the series! Man that glimpse of the future at the end was just
morphin time
Evo was so much better than I thought it would be as someone who is good and tired of the team getting aged down so often
Yes that future glimpse, everything that could have been
morphin time
At least the show did get a decent amount of seasons... /stares at Wolverine and the X-Men