Ian Elliot
it is 110 degrees in this engine room and my task is disconnecting the exhaust fans. so no airflow. I swear to God I hate my job sometimes.
Ian Elliot
oh thank youuuuu /melts in the house
Ian Elliot
it's like 80° in the house. I am so glad that only took me an hour and a half.
Ian Elliot
oh man. I hate finding ground faults on old boats. https://images.plurk.com/3u1gE8WZLjS5JK9nKWnx3V.jpg
Ian Elliot
especially on a 3ph 120v system.
Ian Elliot
welp. don't have assistance so I can't Walkie someone in the engine room and I don't want to run up and down 5 flights of stairs to check each one of these. gotta check for it the old fashioned way
Ian Elliot
okie dokie, forward floods A phase only 40v to ground. that's my guy right there.
the face I made at the wiring
Ian Elliot
my personal hell. though the gnded circuit goes to a multi switched panel so I have to shut the whole thing off again to move forward. kind of concerning that without the floods on its still grounded. maybe a bad switch?
/nods along like I know what any of that means lmao
Ian Elliot
this looks a little more manageable but we shall see when I pull the panel up xD https://images.plurk.com/333xyaM9bzPaXNHMrt2V36.jpg
(I am impressed by the knowledge tho!)
Ian Elliot
it's just a job. the only difference is if I make a mistake i can kill myself or other people xD
Ian Elliot
ah yessss. the back of this panel is spaghetti too https://images.plurk.com/5K3VD7PxL1JWo9c8qZXQB3.jpg
Ian Elliot
at least they are labeled.
Ian Elliot
this is gonna be uncomfortable working in here... https://images.plurk.com/2QwPzFEcOgYAuurUdWY1LQ.jpg
Ian Elliot
love when I have to plank and troubleshoot at the same time.
Ian Elliot
aww man. got kicked off cause they're moving all the barges around. guess I'll pick this back up tomorrow.
Ian Elliot
the summer biking program started today at David's College
Ian Elliot
ages like 4-12 just riding their bikes around in the back parking lot.
Ian Elliot
nothing like seeing 20 5 year olds pedal by on their tiny little bikes