The Raƶe
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
The Raƶe
Drew McIntyre vs CM Punk has got to be the best pivot that WWE has ever made.
The Raƶe
I don't expect anyone (save for one person) to know what the hell I'm talking about, so I'll blather about it here.
The Raƶe
Originally, Punk was supposed to win the Royal Rumble, and go on to face World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins.
The Raƶe
Only during the match, Punk ends up getting hurt.
The Raƶe
So, they call an audible, and Cody Rhodes ends up winning it.
The Raƶe
Now, this lead to a whole 'nother pivot, so I'll cover that in short form:
The Raƶe
• Cody gives up spot to The Rock.
• Fans get PISSED at this decision.
• Creative pivots, and Cody takes his spot back.
• Rock turns heel for the first time since he left.
• Seth teams up with Cody.
• Banger main event for Night 1 of WM.
• Cody wins, becoming the first member of his family to win the main strap.
The Raƶe
So yeah, pretty fuckin' significant.
The Raƶe
But what about Drew and Punk?
The Raƶe
Well, Drew is the one that injured Punk… and it's caused this sloooow build between the two of them, because Punk is technically on the shelf.
The Raƶe
But he's still been making appearances.
The Raƶe
And these moments have been BANGER.
The Raƶe
The Raƶe
The Raƶe
CM Punk costs Drew McIntyre the World Title in Scotl...

↑ This moment at Clash at the Castle.
The Raƶe
Drew McIntyre executes a vicious attack on CM Punk: ...

↑ And currently, this moment last night.
The Raƶe
(This happened in Punk's hometown of Chicago, btw.)
The Raƶe
All this, from one injury.
The Raƶe
The Raƶe
From what I understand, Drew McIntyre basically had no story going into WrestleMania ⅩⅬ… which is a shame, because he had this great-ass renaissance as a "heel with a point", but he didn't have shit going on for WMⅩⅬ.
The Raƶe
Not only that, but his contract was expiring in a few months, and he still hadn't resigned.
The Raƶe
There is a possibility that without this freak accident that spawned this storyline, Drew could have left WWE, and would be working in another promotion right now.
The Raƶe
The Raƶe
From the SquaredCircle community on Reddit: [MITB Sp...

