Yon Fellow
Yon Fellow
I thought it was hot in Burlington. Now we're in St. Thomas, so I can report with confidence that it is not, in fact, hot in Burlington
Yon Fellow
We stepped out of the car at my in-laws' house and I felt like a soup
Yon Fellow
I think in culinary terms I now qualify as a steamed dumpling
A Yon Bao
Klein Kasgrove
My glasses literally steamed up as soon as we stepped out of the car
Yon Fellow
Yonton was right there.
Yon Fellow
... Song Azula is the only character that has no ac this month I think.
Yon Fellow
Gotta rectify that.
I choose to not see it
Yon Fellow
Ugh. Been using the Chromebook again for less than half an hour and already the seething rage like something inhuman is crawling under my skin has returned.
Yon Fellow
I really need an actual laptop of some description sooner rather than later.
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔸𝕔𝕖
My kid had a Chromebook while he was in school, and let me tell you, those things were the cheapest, most godawful piece of hardware I ever had the misfortune of touching.
Yon Fellow
Honestly, it's not even the hardware, I could handle shit hardware. It's the software. This custom OS that seems to have deliberately been designed to be borderline unusable.
Yon Fellow
"Bluh bluh it's only meant for internet use and e-mail" IT CAN'T EVEN DO THAT WITHOUT ERRORS AND GLITCHES