Tomorrow's my brother's wedding and it's going to be An Ordeal
The biggest problem is that I can't eat food I don't cook myself (due to a highly restrictive diet) AND I need to take medications at certain times of day WITH FOOD so like
I'm going to have to bring a cooler with me with things I can eat just so I can, y'know, survive
I've also had to get a ride home with my uncle because everyone else is staying for brunch in the morning which is just... I can't do because then I'd have to bring even more food with me lmfao
I really, really hate my health issues. They make something that's supposed to be a celebration an entire stressful chore that I'm only doing because I love my brother
I wish I could just eat whatever for a day but I literally can't without making myself seriously ill, which would just make the wedding as a whole unbearable
sometimes even my symptoms just Happen because my Body Hates Me even if I'm eating very strictly so it's just like
a coin flip on whether or not I'll be feeling well tomorrow regardless
I'm just gonna have to drug myself stupid and hope for the best
MY one blessing is that all my family (and even the in laws) all know my issues and don't care what I have to do to care for myself
emily ✟
That is a blessing to have family like that. I hope you have a lovely time even though you have to do all this to keep from being sick. Sending prayers.
emily ✟ : you're such a sweetheart, thank you
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
I’m so glad they can accept you and your health issues