Top Zelenskyy Adviser Admits the Truth About Corruption in Ukraine: People Are Stealing Like There’s No Tomorrow
By Johnathan Jones
Oct. 31, 2023
烏克蘭的今日如同中國國民黨集團權貴掌控的昨日OLD CHINA,貪污腐敗、特權橫行,給台灣人民的美援跑進了中國人蔣介石牠們的口袋與銀行帳戶…美帝說的…中國人蔣介石牠們一家子的人都是賊,輸掉中國內戰竄逃來到海島台灣,中國人蔣介石一家子與中國國民黨集團權貴與黨徒們繼續當起橫奪強取的盜賊…今日的烏克蘭,就是明日被五星旗中國政治併吞以前的台灣…當官的…能多貪就多貪
Top Zelenskyy Adviser Admits the Truth About Corrupt...
CRACK AND CRIMES: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Reveals Timeline of Leaked Government Reports and Ukrainian Business Travel…By Jim Hoft…Jan. 25, 2023。當年,是貪污腐敗的喬拜登,帶著吸毒玩小女生、玩嫂嫂的航特拜登,搭著空軍二號去世界各個國家收回扣

CRACK AND CRIMES: Hunter Biden's Laptop Reveals Time...
Seymour Hersh on Biden’s Ukraine Corruption Quagmire: “This is Not Just Bad Leadership. There is None.”…By Richard Abelson…Apr. 12, 2023

Seymour Hersh on Biden’s Ukraine Corruption Quagmire...
The Final Sellout… Uniparty Devils Sending $95 Billion to Corrupt Foreign Governments – $300 Million Goes for Ukraine Border Security but ZERO DOLLARS for Our Own Border Security…就是這樣腐敗貪婪的喬拜登,把美國人民的鈔票一直印給烏克蘭,讓美國人民暴怒了,今年的十一月,保守陣營的紅色革命來了By Jim Hoft Apr. 22, 2024

The Final Sellout? Uniparty Devils Sending $95 Billi...
**SHOCKER : $40 Million Earmarked for Military Ammunition Stolen by Corrupt Ukraine Officials…
By Jim Hᴏft Jan. 29, 2024…已經不只這一次,超過四千萬美軍支援的裝備被烏克蘭的貪婪腐敗政府盜賣…一如美帝對於台灣的美援,被中國人蔣介石牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制的大小肥貓肥豬們,吃滿…吃飽…吃免驚,烏克蘭政府也有同樣貪婪腐敗的基因呢**
SHOCKER: $40 Million Earmarked for Military Ammuniti...
Mike Davis: Americans are paying to cover up Biden’s corruption in Ukraine

Article III Project Founder and President Mike Davis says the United States wouldn’t be in a “proxy war” with Russia if President Biden wasn’t corrupt and compromised by his dealings in Ukraine

Mike Davis: Americans are paying to cover up Biden’s...
Law firm that employed Hunter Biden devised secret plan to help Burisma dodge criminal probe

Hunter Biden helped the law firm that employed him secure a lucrative retainer with Burisma Holdings a decade ago, and its lawyers try to extricate the controversial energy company from an ongoing criminal investigation in Ukraine

Law firm that employed Hunter Biden devised secret 5...