looking for next game to play, tried PokeWilds again. finally getting the hang of it... and there are no move tutors/relearners. yeah I think I'm done until those are implemented
Normal on Main™
Pokémon Wilds is fun to an extent. It has a lot of potential! I just fear them getting a cease and desist before they can fully explore that potential.
it looks like fun, but it's too janky for me as is. using only GBC controls is... limiting, and the random nature means that I can't find a bug type so I can make a bed
Normal on Main™
I get what you mean. It being generated differently every time can skew how easy/hard it is to get materials. I always seem to end up right on the edge of a dessert 8|;;
it's really too bad, because making habitats for Pokemon is exactly what I want out of a game. but I want something that has, like, a central base