Howdy y'all. How're you doing today?
My body is still so exhausted from the weekend. lol
Generally, it was a fun time at WanderLARP. I just have that worry that I always do if I left enough of an impact on others, as Johnny.
I didn't really have a plan beyond "Be suave, cool, stylish, and flirt with lady characters" and I did that, so can't say it was a bad run.

Sheet ultimately ran well, though not many folks joined up with the Jellyfish crew. Not sure if it wasn't that appealing or if they just weren't interested or didn't see the value in it.
The teaser for Nakama went well, though I totally recognize it was long. We had a lot to say. lol
But it seems like folks are interested. Been seeing some real interesting picks, so I hope we meet folks' expectations
/waves from under blanket fort
/waves back.

Thanks again for the ride on Sunday. We appreciated it
it was nice to see you and Jason so no problem
just seemed dumb for you to take an uber when I was there
Yea, we just hadn't heard from the person who was gonna be our ride, so wasn't sure if he was still asleep or something.
which yknow... we would've if he stayed in the same hotel room as us, but oh well I guess
So far as the Jellyfish crew went, we did have a good number of organizations running around this event, so there was a lot to spread around
yea, I sorta recognize that. It may just be a situation where it'll be more prevalent in another LARP
In other news, went ahead and pre regged for NekoLARP. I was on the fence, but after speaking with one of the GMs about who I was thinking about, I went ahead and locked in on my initial choice, so that should be fun I hope
Based on your quick description in the submission, I also think that's a good choice :-D
Thank you. :-)
I originally chose them cause I heard this is a Bill plot, and I know Bill likes FGO, but held off confirming until I got a better vibe for the LARP
Hearing the plot was kinna like Golden Kamuy, I watched the first ep or so and thought "oh maybe someone into treasure might be better" and someone else was considering Lina Inverse, which made me think "oooh, this might be the year I play Naga maybe?" but after talking with Bill about it, Himiko seems like a good time
Honestly Johnny gave Gyro the one thing he needed, a way out of that stupid town. He’s moved up to be the second most important Johnny in Gyro’s life.
But to your point I think the size and physical layout of Wander can be alienating, especially when groups gel so early. Walking up to a table or group is easier when you don’t have to go through a closed door.
And you tend to end up in a room with one or two people, not enough to team up and do something so it can be difficult, but from my part I think njoyed hanging with you and think you did very well
Ponkotsu : Thanks. Appreciate it. I still had fun in spite of that issue. It's just the kind of thing I worry about after most LARPs