
Someone commented to me that Stones of Awakening was very much a story about “okay but where does the food come from” and on reflection I think that’s one of it’s and The Wonders of Mundus’ major storytelling strengths
A literal legion of mercenaries is dropped outside the walls of your city. Who’s going to feed them?
A dragon nests nearby, grabbing treasure and livestock from the area. What will the town do without its milk cows, wool from sheep, or coin to replace it?
Pirates threaten an island; they plan to steal it’s incredibly valuable sugar, coffee, oranges and salt fish so they can go threaten treasure ships for longer
A priestess has been murdered. Investigation proves it was done with a conjured icicle through the heart. But the adventurers the murderer wished to frame were dining with the Baron that evening - meaning it must be a Refrigerator, a village hedge-witch that regularly conjures ice, to preserve precious meat and dairy
Figure out where the food comes from, you’ll get a dozen plot hooks from it
Also your descriptions of food always sound fucking delicious.
I make a point of describing what the local adventurer’s inn and tavern serves, to characterize the town
This is the 50% part of my worldbuilding that’s essays from A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
(The rest is 25% FF14 references, 10% magic changing everything, and 15% shitposts)
(Also 5% Application Of Booba To Those Interested In Having Booba Applied To Them)
At least 5% gender is pretty standard for Valor