Watched The Hitman on Netflix tonight. It was a fun film, definitely worth a watch.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I really enjoyed that movie. I love movies with hitmen in general. It’s more about the chase than the killing for me.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Was that the one with Jason Statham?
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : no, it's new and on netflix
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Oh? New movie? Who’s in this one?
Free Star🌟💫🔥 : Glen Powel from the new Top Gun
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Hmmm....I guess it’s not available here. I just tried
It is on my list to watch.
MarvelMouse 🐭
oh we will watch then, we started sweettooth and I'm not feeling it.
fun watch, I enjoyed it
Free Star🌟💫🔥
OhCecilia : I found out why it’s not on Netflix here. It’s still showing in the movie theaters.
If I have time this week, I might go. I still have some free passes