not a vague just thinking. i've never felt comfortable interacting with ppl who say men dni even if i'm primarily a girl just because masculinity is still a big part of my identity. even if it's just cis men i just can't really feel comfortable, in part bc i think they'd largely be ignoring the masc part of me in favor of the fem part
and like y'know i get it, women's spaces and all that, but in the end it kind of makes me feel like i can't be in any space that says non-men only. like sure on the surface i'm a girl i use she/her i've tried he/him and it hasn't worked out. but i still can't see myself comfortably going "no i'm not a man" it still feels like lying
in the end it sort of feels like being multigender means people pick one gender to view me as and base their assumptions off of that one gender, which means i'll either be treated solely as a girl or solely as a man. and the girl/man dichotomy rather than woman/man or girl/boy is deliberate
also if anyone ever calls me a theyfab i'm personally grinding their bones into dust