Yon Fellow
Character voices!
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Most of these are easy, one of these is gonna be REALLY DIFFICULT
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Azula is voiced by Grey DeLisle (Or Grey Griffin, depending when you ask her. It's very hard to piece together which she prefers, but it was Grey DeLisle in the ATLA credits.)
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Enjoy five and a half minutes of her being spiteful, smug, petty, sneering, and generally unpleasant.
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Five and a quarter minutes, and about seven seconds of a hilarious impersonation of Zuko
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Aladdin is voiced by Scott Weinger Except for singing, but I consider his singing to be non-diagetic, he is NOT a good singer in-universe.
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It's actually astonishingly difficult to get a good video for this, for two reasons
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1: Because the movie shares his name, so searching for his name turns up anything from the movie
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2: Because 80% of the voice line compilations are focused on Robin Williams and another 15% are focused on Gilbert Gottfried
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And searching for Scott Weinger just gets me behind the scenes/interviews stuff, again because the movie shares the character's name
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BUUUUUT here's a really awkwardly cut together sampling of what I have lovingly dubbed "The Scott Weinger Squeak"
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Wesley is voiced and acted by Alexis Denisof, who is an American from Maryland and yet both of the roles I know him from feature him playing an Englishman.
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The range on the one character was just phenomenal.
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He started as this pompous tryhard dipshit
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(He's the smarmy younger moron in the back)
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Aaaand eventually wound up
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(He's the one with the stubble, not the one in the blue)
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Sidebar, Alexis Denisof is an obscenely good actor sometimes.
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Faith is voiced and acted by Eliza Dushku
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godddd the Wesley and Illyria stuff is just an acting class featuring Amy and Alexis tbh
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Right? Heartwrenching shit.
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they're both so good, time to haul out Much Ado About Nothing just to watch them do their thing
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Faith also evolves a lot personality-wise, but the performance is still mostly in the same area, she mostly just chills and gets more tired vocally.
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She starts here
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(Including a lovely little jab at Wesley)
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Goes through this
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(Even more Wesley suffering)
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(Also enjoy the little breakdown at the end)
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(I sure did)
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(That shit had some sort of permanent effect on my psychology. ANYWAY.)
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Aaaand winds up somewhere around here.
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Bitchslapping Connor a little bit just for funsies
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The difficult one
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I have no, uh. Voice reference. For Rachel.
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"What about the seri-" SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH
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There is no Nickelodeon series, there never was a Nickelodeon series, and furthermore fuck you.
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Unlike Harry Dresden (James Masters, by the by,) I don't even have a particularly compelling audiobook to give me a backup option
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I use Bre Blair from the 1995 Babysitter's Club movie as her PB, because it was the closest match I could find to the book covers... but the voice on her is all wrong