Ian Elliot
It's David's birthday!! Happy birthday to my favorite Husbear https://images.plurk.com/3BFhgTpsRalEytmgqY0TDC.jpg
Ian Elliot
poor guy doesn't even get to take today off cause of his week of being sick, but I. taking him to get cake from the Asian bakery that makes amazing strawberry cake after work, so. hopefully we can make up for it.
Ian Elliot
https://images.plurk.com/34YxpTOfYePfuMZ1A7eDiH.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3af4DZlpPw4pUUP4f05s3Y.jpg https://images.plurk.com/43ku4odIIVV4v7c8GPAYWO.jpg
Ian Elliot
birthday booy
Ian Elliot
awww...David got his 10 year pin today from the VP of the college and a service to education award at the staff recognition ceremony today.
for a price
please tell him happy birthday and that his nails are fucking dope, an internet stranger said so
Ian Elliot
he isn't very happy that he only got a pin and a piece of paper, but xD at least it's something. his 5 year they just gave him 5 DOLLARS to Starbucks.
Ian Elliot
thank you <: we had matching nails for our wedding. the colors match our wedding bands
for a price
I thought it might be to match the ring but I didn't realise it was his wedding band, that is extremely cool
Ian Elliot
I was happy I could convince him to since its more my thing but he looked so fucking good with them
Ian Elliot
....since I can't help myself https://images.plurk.com/119tmFHNYworR82WnbJ3MM.jpg
for a price
aaaa lovely!
Ian Elliot
for a price
sincerely I conduct weddings as a side gig and not enough people have cool rings!! yours are super
Ian Elliot
awww that's so sweet! I picked them out <: they are ceramic and ca so very insulated as I am an electrician and would like to wear a ring and not be electrocuted by it xD
for a price
gorgeous and sensible, very good combo!
Ian Elliot
there's black emerald and I think opal shards in there? and glow stone but I don't care that much about them
Ian Elliot
it's just a fun perk that they glow in the dark xD